How to improve healthcare through the exchange of health data?

The European Commission plans to publish a proposal for a common European health data space by the end of 2021. With the European Health Data Space, the Commission plans to promote better exchange and access to different types of health data, such as data from electronic health records, genomics data or data from patient registries to support healthcare delivery (primary use of data) but also for health research and health policy making purposes (secondary use of data). AIM members collect, process, store and use health and social data from their insured to improve health. These claims data have the comprehensive potential for both, rational allocation of resources and for health services research to optimize healthcare provisions. Therefore, AIM welcomes the current and upcoming initiatives of the European Commission. The AIM recommendations focus mainly on claims data and contain proposals about which criteria should be observed in the collection, organization and sharing of health data.
Read the paper here: AIM_Position Paper European Health Data Space Version_final
Read AIM’s answer to the European Commission consultation on the European health data space: AIM answer consultation EHDS_22072021