‘Better treatment for better health: lifting the veil on treatment optimisation’
Clinical trials that support regulatory approval should be complemented with independent clinical research, looking into issues such as dosage, combination with other treatment modalities, or treatment duration. Such clinical research, called treatment optimisation studies, reflect clinical practice and are a way to close the so-called efficacy-effectiveness gap.
This is with this perspective that the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM) and the European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) are organising on 23 June a joint Seminar on “Better Treatment For Better Health: Lifting The Veil On Treatment Optimisation“. Improved knowledge on the best treatment strategies is a healthcare priority to provide patients with the best treatments, while making the most of resources available to healthcare systems.
This joint EORTC-AIM seminar, taking place in a hybrid setting, will analyse the impact of independent treatment optimization studies on the benefit of patients and on public resources. It will also be the opportunity for participants to discuss multistakeholder perspectives on the topic of treatment optimisation and on how to make it a reality.
Sibylle Reichert, AIM, Executive Director
Denis Lacombe, EORTC, CEO
- Caroline Voltz, European Medicines Agency Product lead, Oncology, Haematology and Diagnostics, European Medicines Agency “The Cancer Medicines Platform”
- Jeroen Nugteren, TreatMeds initiative, Leader “The TreatMeds Initiative”
- Yannis Natsis, European Social Insurance Platform, Director “Weak evidence-high prices conundrum & treatment optimization: Ways forward”
- Lydie Meheus, Anti Cancer Fund, Managing Director “Better treatment for better health: a patient’s view”
Followed by a Q&A session moderated by Denis Lacombe, EORTC, CEO
Conclusions – 12h15 – 12h20
- Sibylle Reichert, AIM, Executive Director
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