COVID-19: AIM publishes Recommendations for Europe & Regional Declarations
Today, AIM’s Board of Directors and General Assembly of has adopted its recommendations: “Only in solidarity can we overcome pandemics”. At the same time AIM adopted its declarations for Africa and the Middle East and for South America.
Read the Press release on AIM recommendations here:PRrecommendationsAIMCOVID19
– AIM recommendations: “Only with solidarity and cooperation can we overcome pandemics”:
In English: AIMrecommendationsPreparedness
In German: AIMrecommendationsPreparednessDE
In French: AIMrecommendationsPreparednessFR
In Spanish: AIMrecommendationsPreparedness_ES
– The annex to its recommendations, a report on the impact of COVID-19 on European mutuals: AIMrecommendationsPreparedness_Annex
– The AIM Declaration for the Latin-American Region, which also includes the report on the impact of the pandemic on the members of the region:
Also available in English: DeclaracionCOVID19AméricaLatina_EN
– The AIM Declaration for the Africa and Middle-East Region: AIMDeclarationCOVID19_Africa
– The report on the impact of the pandemic on mutuals of the African region: AIMDeclarationCOVID19_Africa_Annex