AIM successfully launches its Calculator for Fair Medicines Prices in Europe
The International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM) has launched today its calculator for fair medicines prices in Europe (German version here). The calculator transposes AIM’s fair pricing model into a policy tool which will help the public, specialists and non-specialists alike, evaluate fair medicines prices and compare them with those currently paid by healthcare systems.
“We need a comprehensive, open and transparent debate to reconcile the objectives of supporting access and the sustainability of solidarity-based health systems while allowing for a reasonable profit. A paradigm shift in the way medicines are priced is urgent and AIM is convinced that its calculator for fair medicines prices is part of the solution.”
Loek Caubo, AIM’s President
Please find AIM’s press release on the launch here.
You can find the presentations from the meeting below.
AIM Calculator Launch – Anne Hendrickx
AIM event on fair pricing- EC on Affordability_11 June 2021_clean