AIM visited Paris!

A delegation of 20 AIM members visited on 10 and 11 January Paris. They got to know our member FNMF better, and the French Healthcare system. Participants learned all the ins and outs about the project “Reste a charge Zéro”. This ambitious project aims to reduce co-payments for spectacles, hearing aids and dental prosthesis to zero for everybody in France. AIM was welcomed by the President of FNMF, and its Director General, as well as representatives of the statutory health insurance organisation (CNAM) and the ministry of health, just to mention a few. The visit was concluded with a tour in one of the largest and best mutualist hospital in France. Thanks to Yannick, Arielle, Silvia, Fanny and colleagues for an excellent trip. The next AIM study trip will provide us insight in the Lithuanian healthcare system.