AIM Board of Directors Meetings take place in Brussels


AIM held its Board of Directors (BoD) meetings in collaboration with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

From 14 to 16 November, the following meetings took place:

Our region Committees’ meeting on the management of chronic diseases:Agenda Joint Meeting_Brussels 14 Nov 2018
Déroulé_Joint Committee meeting_12112018

Our Africa and Middle East Committee: Slides:
Déroulé_Réunion Comité AMO_Bruxelles

Our Latin America Committee: slides:
Solidaris – PowerPoint – PPT final – Impact of the Digital healthcare revolution on health insurance – ES

Our BoD meeting:
slides: 20181115 Slides Brussels BoD FINAL Pack

Our public event on the Future of Health in the EU at which our memorandum for the 2019 European Elections was officially published.
PPT – AIM_ [Repaired]
Slides European Affairs Committee Brussels

Our conference on the Future of Mental Health in the EU
Slides: PPT Conference Future MH
