The Impact of an Ageing Population on the Healthcare workforce

17 November – Rome
The Impact of an Ageing Population on the Healthcare workforce
The meeting aims at providing a general picture of the European healthcare workforce today and at the impact with the ageing of populations and the consequent rise in chronic diseases and ill-health in general will have on it. Discusses will try to answer questions such as:
Does the current workforce have the skills to deal with many more elderly and their specific needs?
Does an ageing society lead to workforce shortages? If so, how is that issue to be tackled?
Do workforce shortages lead to cross-border mobility of health workers?
Some examples of European best practices and strategies to tackle those challenges will finally be presented, before the floor is opened for a lively debate with the audience.
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9.30 – 9.40 Welcome and opening
Christian ZAHN AIM President
9.40 – 10.20 The European Healthcare workforce now and by 2030 (status quo + forecast)
Michel Van Hoegaerden, Programme Manager, JA on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting
10.20 – 11.00 The workforce for healthcare: how could challenges be tackled?
Dr. Barbara Polistena, Università Tor Vergata, Rome
— Coffee break —
11.30 – 13.00 How are we to face those challenges? – Best practices from across Europe
- Keeping physicians healthy and active: the PAIME Programme, Spain
Nina Mielgo Casado, Technical Director of the Foundation for Social protection of the Spanish Medical Association (OMC)
Juan Manuel Garrote Díaz, Secretary General of the Foundation for Social protection of the Spanish Medical Association (OMC) - Dr Marie RALET-DOMINIQUE, Co-ordinating doctor, Mutualité Française Puy-de-dôme
- Paolo Michelutti, HRM expert at Agenas, National Agency for Regional Health Services in Italy, the technical-scientific agency under the Ministry of Health
Conclusions and closure of the meeting
Placido PUTZOLU, FIMIV President
Simultaneous translation will be available into French, German, English and Spanish
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Simultaneous translation will be available into French, German, English and Spanish
Centro Congressi Cavour
Via Cavour 50/A
IT – 00184 Rome
Phone: (+39) 06.4871777