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Tribute to Jean-François Belliard

AIM is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Jean-François Belliard. Mr. Belliard represented MSA – Mutualité Sociale Agricole from France as a member of AIM’s Board of Directors & General Assembly more than 15 years. He was also a member of our Internal Audit Committee and the Committee of the revision of the […]

3 September 2024

International mutualist conference: Targeting health coverage and universal social protection in Africa

The Association Internationale de la Mutualité and its partners the Mutuelle de la Fonction Publique du Burundi (MFP), the Plateforme de concertation des Acteurs des Mutuelles de Santé au Burundi (PAMUSAB), the Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française, the PASS Programme and the MASMUT Programme, under the sponsorship of the Burundese Ministry of National Solidarity, […]

1 August 2024

Towards a resilient Care Workforce: AIM Recommendations

Tackling workforce challenges requires bold action, acting both on supply and demand, with a cross-sectoral approach. In this paper, AIM, the international organisation of not for profit and solidarity-based healthcare funds and mutuals, shares its recommendations, calling on the European Commission to put forward a comprehensive Care Workforce Strategy, and on Member States to intensify […]

30 July 2024

AIM Special Briefing is out!

The Special Briefing of our General Assembly that took place in Prague in June is now out. You can read it here: AIM briefingPrague2024_FINAL

29 July 2024

AIM is hiring!

We are looking for a project manager to work in a dynamic and international team in the area of healthcare and social security. Interested? Find out more here: Job_Ad_Project Manager_final

20 June 2024

Solidaris discusses the Belgian Parliament’s legislative proposal on fair prices

On Wednesday 24 April, following its successful citizens’ initiative on the topic, Solidaris discussed in the Belgian Parliament a proposed law on fair drug prices. Members of the Health and Equal Opportunities Committee held a substantial debate on the social, democratic and budgetary challenges facing the pharmaceutical sector. Discussions were held in the presence of […]

6 May 2024

Tribute to Luc Carsauw and special thanks

Luc Carsauw was a member of the AIM Board of Directors for several decades. He took a more active role in AIM already in 2000, first as a deputy treasurer and as treasurer between 2002 and 2017. In 2008, AIM changed its legal form from an association under French law into a Belgian not-for-profit association […]

19 April 2024

The International Coalition of the Social and Solidarity Economy celebrates the first anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly’s Resolution on SSE

The International Coalition of the Social and Solidarity Economy (ICSSE), of which AIM is a member, is proud to commemorate the first anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly resolution recognizing the crucial role of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) in achieving Sustainable Development Goals worldwide. Read our PR:ICSSE Press Release – UNGA SSE […]

18 April 2024


AIM welcomes the provisional agreement between the Council and the European Parliament on the draft regulation on European Health Data Space, which was found on 15 March 2024. The agreement is an important achievement towards patient centeredness and gives enough time for Member States to implement the regulation.AIM is pleased to see that digital health […]

28 March 2024

A significant hurdle cleared towards the improvement of public health – AIM reacts to the ENVI vote on the pharmaceutical package

AIM welcomes the agreement by the European Parliament’s Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety on 19 March on the pharmaceutical package. AIM is sharing its initial reaction on some of the key elements of the agreement. The statement can be found here.

21 March 2024

Joint Letter: Integrating Social and Health ambitions into the next EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029

European leaders are discussing the EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029. The agenda will set the future political priorities of the EU. While the previous agenda (2019-2024) stated “building a climate-neutral, green, fair and social Europe” as a priority, in the current state of discussions, social and health priorities do not seem to have the same traction […]

11 March 2024

Solidaris closes its petitions for fair drug prices with more than 50.000 signatures

On Monday 19 February, our member Solidaris closed its petition for fairer drug prices with gathered around 55,000 signatures. The next stage will probably be a hearing before the House of Commons Health Committee. In response to imbalanced price negotiations dominated by pharmaceutical companies, Solidaris is proposing a “fair price calculator”, which it believes could […]

22 February 2024

Petra van Holst, CEO of Zorgverzekeraars Nederland (ZN) “Dutch insurers apply AIM’s fair pricing calculator by default when negotiating drug prices with companies”

High medicines prices are now a reality across the EU, leading to inequalities of access to medicines, or even to no access in some European countries. This is a major challenge to our solidarity-based healthcare systems, one which is not going to recede as long as current medicines price-setting principles are not radically changed. The […]

20 February 2024

AIM Special Briefing – November 2023

AIM has published its Special Briefing, which summarises the exchanges that happened in the context of its General Assembly meetings of November 2023. Read it here: AIM briefingBXL2023_EN

12 December 2023

Interview with Jean-Pascal Labille, Secretary General of Solidaris on fair drug prices: “Since 2015, drug spending has spiraled out of control”

Mr. Labille, can you tell us about changes in the affordability of medicines in Belgium? Does this have an impact on patients’ access to medicines? Jean-Pascal Labille, Secretary General, Solidaris, Belgium: In Belgium, since 2015, with the arrival of treatments for hepatitis C and then new treatments for cancer, spending on medicines has skyrocketed. For […]

7 December 2023

EU countries sign the San Sebastian Manifesto to promote the social economy

Author: Héctor Acosta, Confederación Argentina de Mutualidades, Argentina On 14 November, representatives of European institutions including Social Economy Europe (of which AIM is a member), the Social and Economic Committee, the Committee of the Regions and 19 countries of the European Union signed the San Sebastian Manifesto on the Social Economy on 14 November 2023, […]

6 December 2023

Report: Expert Talk – Climate-resilient Health Systems

On 5 October, AIM organised, in collaboration with the European Commission, an expert talk on the topic of climate-resilient health systems. Through the event, participants gained knowledge on the latest evidence on the effects of climate change on health, but also on the impact of healthcare systems on climate. They learnt how the environmental footprint […]

29 November 2023

Report: AIM LTC Study Visit to Poznan

The study visit was organized in collaboration with the Mutual Help Association Flandria and the Mutualités Chrétiennes (MC), and hosted in the City Hall conference centre. On the first day, members learned how the LTC system is organized and how the different actors carry out their activities, including the mutual Flandria. They could also exchange […]

Jens Baas, Chairman of the Board of Techniker Krakenkasse on fair medicines prices : “Medicines are now the second highest spending item of the German public health system”

High medicines prices are now a reality in the EU, leading to inequalities of access to medicines, or even to no access to some of them in some European countries. This is a major challenge to our solidarity-based healthcare systems that is not going to recede as long as current medicines price-setting principles are not […]

24 November 2023

AIM Memorandum: Crucial years for solidarity and health: From evidence to action!

In many European countries, people have access to high quality health care. That seems obvious, but unfortunately it may not be in the near future. Our solidarity based not for profit health care systems face multiple threats: The Russian invasion in the Ukraine comes hard on the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change affects […]

20 November 2023

AIM Work Programme 2023-2026

Our work programme is out. Read it here:workprogramme_2023-2026_en

31 October 2023

AIM welcomes Council Recommendations to develop strategies that recognise and stimulate the social economy

On 9 October, the Council adopted recommendations on developing social economy framework conditions. These recommendations encourage Members States to take measures in order to acknowledge and support the role of the social economy as they foster social inclusion, by providing accessible and high-quality social and care services and promote social innovation and sustainable economic development. […]

11 October 2023

Towards climate-resilient Health and Social Protection Systems

Climate change has a significant impact on public health and on healthcare systems. It hits the most vulnerable harder. It increases the burden on our social protection systems. A reflection is thus needed on how to redesign our health and social protection systems in order to respond, mitigate and adapt to these new realities and […]

4 October 2023

Newsletter for LatAm n°5 – September 2023

Read it here (in Spanish): Boletín Informativo_Septiembre2023

25 September 2023


President von der Leyen held on Wednesday her State of the Union address, a speech in which competitiveness and totally overshadowed social and health policies, which shone by their absence. Read our PR: PR_SOTEU_AIM_JCL

15 September 2023

Special Briefing on AIM Geneva Meetings is out!

Read below our Special Briefing, which gathers the information on the AIM Statutory meetings that took place in Geneva in June 2023. AIM briefingGeneva 2023_EN

27 July 2023

Report: Expert talk – Quality of non-residential LTC

On 20 April, AIM organised the second Expert Talk of its series on the “provision of high-quality, sustainable and accessible non-residential LTC”. The meeting gathered distinguished speakers to discuss the issue of quality: Tadas Leončikas, Head of Unit, Employment, Eurofound; Dr. Lamura Giovanni, Research Affiliate, Centre for Socio-Economic Research on Ageing; Diana Eriksonaite, Policy Officer […]

30 June 2023

AIM Activity Report 2020-2023

Click on the link below to read our activity report. AIM Activity Report 2020-2023_EN_FINAL  

28 June 2023

AIM re-elects Loek Caubo as President for the next 3 Years

The AIM General Assembly has voted its steering committee for the next three years. The so-called Presidium will be led for another 3 years by Loek Caubo, from the Dutch umbrella organisation of health insurers Zorgverzekeraars Nederland. More information: PRelections_FINAL

23 June 2023

An agenda that sets the right basis for a stronger cooperation between the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean

On 7 June, the European Commission published its proposal for a “New Agenda for Relations between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean”. Read AIM’s reaction: AIM Reaction to the EULatAm Agenda_FINAL_EN

15 June 2023

AIM reacts to the EC Proposal for a comprehensive approach on Mental Health

On 7 June, the European Commission published its proposal for a “comprehensive Approach to Mental Health”. The first reaction of AIM, the international organisation of mutual, solidarity based and not-for-profit healthcare funds, is described in our Press Release: AIM Reaction to the EC Proposal of a MH Strategy_FINAL

12 June 2023

Eric Chenut, President of Mutualité Française, represents AIM at the UN multi-stakeholder hearing on universal health coverage

Mutuals have an important role to play in achieving universal health coverage. Eric Chenut, President of Mutualité Française, spoke in New York at the UN multi-stakeholder hearing on universal health coverage on 9 May to represent the position of the mutualist movement at this meeting, which is an integral part of the preparation of the […]

11 May 2023

AMR: an ambitious European Plan to tackle an urging global Challenge

AIM, the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies, welcomes the European Commission proposal of “Council Recommendation on stepping up EU actions to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in a One Health approach”. The document recognises the emergency of tackling what constitutes one of the largest public health threats of our century. The European Commission has rightly […]

4 May 2023

“A step in the right direction but a more ambitious final legislation is needed” – Mutuals react to the publication of the general pharmaceutical legislation proposal

The much-awaited proposal of the European Commission, aimed at reforming the European Union’s pharmaceutical legislation, is a step in the right direction. However, this should not be a missed opportunity for our societies. While we agree on the overall objectives of improving access to, and affordability of medicinal products, we regret that the proposal does […]

26 April 2023

AIM reacts to the adoption of the UN resolution on promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy for sustainable development

Following ILO’s Resolution concerning decent work and the social and solidarity economy in June 2022 and United Nations Task Force on Social and Solidary Economy meeting last December, the United Nations General Assembly has adopted on April 18th, the first resolution “Promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy for Sustainable Development”. This resolution provides an official […]

21 April 2023

Report: Expert talk – Access to non-residential LTC

On 9 February, AIM organised the first Expert Talk of its series on the “provision of highquality, sustainable and accessible non-residential LTC”. The meeting gathered distinguished speakers to discuss the issue of access: Dr Stefania Ilinca, Technical Advisor on long-term care at WHO Europe; Susanna Ulinski, Policy Officer, Unit D.2 Social Protection, Directorate- General of […]

31 March 2023

Joint statement on the European Health Data Space

AIM co-signed with other not-for-profit organisations, representing patients, healthcare professionals, hospital pharmacists, payers, and healthcare institutions a letter to ensure a more coherent, fair and society-centred approach to the European Health Data Space (EHDS). In the letter, the undersigning organisations made clear that they strongly believe that when it comes to healthcare, research and sensitivities […]

21 March 2023

AIM position on the EHDS

Health insurance funds and not-for-profit health mutuals support a better use of data and therefore welcome the proposal on the European Health Data Space. AIM agrees with the huge potential that a flexible use of health data has for patient centeredness as well as improving healthcare quality and outcome. A closer cooperation in the use […]

13 March 2023

Register for the 2023 edition of the International Mutualist Women’s Day – Gender equality and UHC for more resilient and equitable health systems

Over the past decade, a great amount of research has focused on health inequalities between women and men and on the influence of gender representations on the management and detection of certain diseases. In the context of the implementation of universal health coverage (UHC) policies in several African countries, it is important to highlight these […]

30 January 2023

“Our health before profit” – Our Belgian member Solidaris launches a campaign to integrate fair pricing of medicinal products in the legislation

Our Belgian member Solidaris, the socialist mutual, launched its campaign on fair medicinal products prices. Today, Belgium spends more than 5.4 billion euros a year on reimbursing medicines out of a budget of almost 32 billion euros for health care. These medicines help to improve the health of Belgians, but the cost of new treatments […]

26 January 2023

AIM participates in the kick-off of the ASCERTAIN Horizon Europe project

On 24 and 25 January, AIM participated in the kick-off meeting of the Affordability and Sustainability improvements through new pricing, Cost- Effectiveness and ReimbursemenT models to Appraise iNnovative health technologies (ASCERTAIN) consortium. ASCERTAIN is a project financed by the European Union’s research programme Horizon Europe. It will, among other things, develop new ways to calculate […]

25 January 2023

AIM publishes its Special Briefing

AIM published its Special Briefing on the meetings that took place online in November 2022. Find the summary of all events here:AIM briefingNovember 2022

23 December 2022

AIM Special Newsletter for Latin-America – 4th Issue

AIM published the third issue of its Newsletter for its Latin-American region. The document is nurtured by articles from CAM, Gestarsalud and UMU. They cover the latest news regarding mutuals and social economy in Argentina, Colombia and Uruguay. You can read it here, in Spanish:Boletín Informativo_Diciembre2022_FINAL

Air Quality: AIM co-signs joint Letter to EU Environment Ministers

AIM, together with HEAL, CPME, EFA, AIM, EPHA and Mutualites Libres wrote a letter to the EU environment ministers who are now debating the proposal to update the EU’s ambient air quality guidelines (AAQD), which are essential for safeguarding public health and the environment from air pollution. Read the letter: Health-AAQD-letter-ENV-Council-December-2022_final

16 December 2022

AIM welcomes the Adoption of evidence-based Council Recommendations on Cancer Screening

AIM welcomes the adoption of the Council Recommendation on Cancer Screening. We subscribe to the cautious approach followed by Member States on the extension of mass screening programmes to lung and prostate cancer screening. AIM is pleased that its key concerns have been taken into account. Read our PR: PressRelease_CancerScreening

12 December 2022

EU Global Health Strategy: ambitions are high, now mutuals should be more involved

The European Commission unveiled its Global Health Strategy on 30 November. AIM congratulates the European Commission on the publication of this long-awaited document. We share the diagnosis that the European Commission provides on the state of access to health care at the global level. However, AIM regrets that the strategy does not mention the crucial […]

2 December 2022

AIM is part of the ASCERTAIN project to secure access to affordable medicinal products to European patients

AIM participates in a European project on affordability of medicinal products. The Erasmus University of Rotterdam, who has the lead of the project, has just kicked off for four years the Affordability and Sustainability improvements through new pricing, Cost- Effectiveness and ReimbursemenT models to Appraise iNnovative health technologies (ASCERTAIN) consortium. ASCERTAIN is a project financed […]

28 November 2022

AIM organised a CEO seminar on the European Health Data Space on 19 September 2022

On 19 September 2022, AIM organised a CEO seminar on the European Health Data Space. The objective was to show to the CEOs of the members of AIM what specific legislation at European level can impact their affiliates and their organisation. With this seminar, AIM wanted to create a platform for our CEOs to directly […]

10 November 2022

Joint Statement on the Revision of the Pharmaceutical Legislation by associations representing healthcare providers, patients, healthcare professionals and payers

Enhancing patients’ access to high-quality and affordable medicinal products across the European Union while preserving the financial sustainability of healthcare systems should be the overarching aim of the current revision of the general pharmaceutical legislation. AIM is proud to have joined forces with AIDES, Consilium Scientific, CPME, EAHP, EATG, ECL, EPHA, GHA, HOPE, NoGracias, PGEU, […]

9 November 2022

Event report: European Care systems: Solidarity and sustainability – friends or foes?

On 6 September 2022, the European Association of Paritarian Funds – AEIP and the International Association of Mutual Benefit societies – AIM held an hybrid event entitled “The European Care Strategy: Solidarity and sustainability – friends or foes?”, hosted at the European Parliament by MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen. During the event EU-level key stakeholders, policymakers as […]

4 October 2022

Event Report: What next for EU Action to protect Children from harmful Food Marketing?

On Tuesday 28 June 2022, a discussion was held in the European Parliament gathering Members of European Parliament (MEPs) and other public interest stakeholders to reflect on the next steps for EU action to protect children from harmful food marketing. Eight MEPs from four political groups contributed to this occasion, alongside the Spanish Attaché on […]

3 October 2022

AIM calls on Member States to ensure that the final version of the Cancer Screening Recommendations reflects robust Science

The European Commission published its proposal of Council Recommendations on Cancer Screening on 20 September. AIM welcomes that the proposal rightly puts citizens at the centre and understands screening as a pathway, which are in line with AIM’s own recommendations published before Summer. Our initial reaction to the Commission proposal can be found here: PRCancerScreening_FINAL_29sept22

29 September 2022

The EU Care Strategy: the right Objectives are set. AIM Members stand ready for an equally-ambitious Implementation.

AIM welcomes the proposal of Care Strategy published by the European Commission on 7 September. As the Strategy rightly recognises, the importance given to the care sector reflects how we value our older and younger generations. In addition, spending on care should be considered as an investment. In VP Dubravka’s words, ‘it is [indeed] high […]

8 September 2022

AIM Special Newsletter for Latin-America – 3d Issue

AIM published the third issue of its Newsletter for its Latin-American region. The document is nurtured by articles from CAM, Gestarsalud and UMU. They cover the latest news regarding mutuals and social economy in Argentina, Colombia and Uruguay. You can read it here, in Spanish: Boletín Informativo_Julio2022

1 August 2022

AIM joint workshop at Social Economy Forum – Recording available

The event can be watched in the original version here. AIM, in collaboration with AMICE, ICMIF, FNMF and AAM, organised a workshop on the topic of mutuals’ role in overcoming the challenges related to the green and digital transitions. The event took place in the framework of the Social Economy Forum, in Strasbourg. The meeting […]

28 July 2022

AIM publishes its Special Briefing

AIM published its Special Briefing on the meetings that took place in Vienna in June 2022. Find the summary of all events here: AIM briefingVienna 2022_English_light

14 July 2022

Adoption of new Statutes: AIM reinforces its core values while striving towards better health for all without inequalities

AIM adopted its new statutes at its General Assembly which took place on June 9th, 2022. Members reinforced the objectives of the organisation while striving for better health for all without inequalities. To achieve this, AIM has aligned its statutes with the principles followed by the World Health Organisation, thus guaranteeing that it is free […]

7 July 2022

AIM publishes Cancer Screening Recommendations

Cancer screening is a priority for AIM members. As not-for-profit healthcare payers not only are they committed to the improvement of public health, but also to the sustainability of healthcare systems, and, as such, to the efficient use of its resources. AIM members play a key role in the reimbursement of screening as well as […]

26 June 2022

“Better treatment for better health: lifting the veil on treatment optimisation” – Stakeholders exchange views on patient-centred clinical research at EORTC and AIM’s seminar

Treatment optimisation is defined as clinical research in real-world conditions, aimed at improving the standard of treatment for patients. On 23 June, the European Organization for the Research and Treatment and Cancer (EORTC) and the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM) held an event “Better treatment for better health: lifting the veil on treatment […]

24 June 2022

Finally an international Recognition for Actors of the Social Economy

AIM welcomes the conclusions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) for the proposed resolution and conclusions submitted to the Conference for adoption on decent work and the social and solidarity economy as well as the recommendations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on Social Economy. AIM supports as well the initiative report […]

EC publishes Toolkit to tackle NCDs

The Commission published on 22 June a guiding document for the “Healthier Together: EU Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Initiative”. The EU Non-Communicable Diseases Initiative (EU NCD Initiative) aims at identifying and putting into practise effective policies and initiatives to lessen the burden of serious non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and enhance citizens’ health and well-being. The Initiative runs […]

23 June 2022

Solidarity: the only way to ensure a good future for ourselves and our children and grandchildren

“As members of AIM, solidarity runs in our veins: we work together every day to ensure the availability of good healthcare and social security for all our members. This makes us only a small cog in the machinery of the big world. But not an unimportant cog, because the issues we deal with are among […]

20 June 2022

Healthcare payers committed to achieve zero clicks to healthcare

Digital health is not the future. It is already a reality. From telework to electronic health insurance cards and digital vaccination passes, digitalisation is very present in the health and social protection sector. The COVID19 pandemic undoubtedly accelerated the uptake of digital tools. together with the European Commission, Good Things Foundation, AIM Members discussed how […]

17 June 2022

European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health launches plan to tackle Europe’s leading cause of death

The European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health (EACH) – a unique European alliance bringing together patients, healthcare professionals, insures, researchers and industry – presented its cardiovascular Health Plan for Europe to policymakers today. Cardiovascular disease1 (CVD), mainly heart attacks and strokes, remains Europe’s leading cause of death today, impacting the lives of more than 60 million […]

1 June 2022

AIM’s fair pricing model featured in the European Observatory on Health Systems and policies ‘s policy brief on pharmaceutical prices transparency

The European Observatory on health systems and policies is a partnership between the European Commission, the World Health Organization as well as European governments that brings together different policy perspectives to generate evidence to better assess policies options and identify what health systems and policies evidence Europe’s decision makers need. Its policy brief on “What […]

20 May 2022

The European Health Data Space: Crucial Proposal for Better Disease Prevention, Development of Medicines and Cross-Border Healthcare

Health insurance funds and health mutuals of AIM welcome the proposal for an EU regulation on the European Health Data Space, which was published on 3 May 2022 by the European Commission. It is a framework that establishes clear rules on developing common standards and establishing infrastructures as well as a governance framework for the […]

6 May 2022

EIW2022: AIM recalls its recommendations on Immunization

Vaccination prevents 2-3 million deaths every year from diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, influenza & measles. It also plays a key role in the fight against #COVID19, #cancer & #AMR On European Immunization Week, AIM recalls its recommendations to boost the potential of immunization FACTSHEET 8 – VACCINATION Our general factsheet on vaccination: FactsheetVaccination Amid European […]

26 April 2022

AIM calls for the implementation of solidarity mechanisms to support refugees from Ukraine

Health insurance funds and health mutuals of the international umbrella organisation of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM) are dismayed by what is happening in Ukraine and strongly condemn the war. AIM calls on the EU and the world to continue to stand united in solidarity with Ukraine and its people and to reaffirm their strong response […]

1 April 2022

Mutuals adopt the Dakar Declaration at the International mutualistic conference of Dakar

Mutuality has experienced strong development in Africa over the last 25 years, notably through the launch of the Abidjan Platform in 1999; the structuring of the movement into national platforms, its professionalisation; the involvement of mutuals in the process of extending the CSU in many African countries; the adoption of Regulation No. 07/2009/CM/UEMOA on the […]

16 March 2022

World Obesity Day: Time to protect Children from the Marketing of Unhealthy Food

On World Obesity Day, social, health and consumer organisations call on the EU to adopt strong regulation to protect children from the marketing of nutritionally poor food. Obesity is on the rise among European citizens, negatively impacting both people’s quality of life and life expectancy and increasing the incidence of diet-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs), as […]

4 March 2022

AIM presents its fair pricing calculator and model as pledge for the French presidential elections

AIM French member French National Mutualities Federation (FNMF) have opened Place de la Santé, (Healthcare Square), a website tasked with helping advance reflections in France on the future of health and social protection policies in the context of the May 2022 French Presidential elections. After receiving a request by FNMF to contribute to these reflections, […]

20 February 2022

The EU Care Strategy: AIM publishes its recommendations

The European Commission has announced the publication of a EU Care Strategy, to be published mid-2022. AIM has released a position paper ahead of that publication and the talks that will follow, underlining its primary concerns and proposals for the future Strategy. The text highlights the necessity of putting solidarity at the heart of the […]

18 February 2022

Meryame Kitir, Belgian Minister for Development Cooperation, affirms the role of the mutualist movement in achieving universal health coverage in Africa

On Tuesday 25 January 2022, in front of nearly a hundred participants and representatives of international organisations, the Belgian Minister for Development Cooperation and Urban Policy, Meryame Kitir, opened the international workshop “En route to Dakar – What is the position of international organisations on the role of mutuality in the framework of UHC?” The […]

27 January 2022

European Commission, OECD and the European Observatory launch new country health profiles

On 13 December, the European Commission, OECD and the European Observatory launched new country health profiles and a “Companion Report” on 29 countries health systems performances. The country health profiles include all 27 Member States of the EU as well as Iceland and Norway and are supposed to support policymakers and other stakeholders, researchers as […]

14 December 2021

AIM welcomes new EU Directive on Platform Workers

AIM welcomes the new directive on platform workers, which ensures the same legal employment status for digital platform workers as for other workers. There are more and more digital platforms, and the trend is increasing. The aim of the Commission proposal, which was published on 9 December 2021 is that “the new business model should […]

13 December 2021

Mutual benefit societies welcome the Social Economy Action Plan

Mutual benefit societies welcome the European Commission’s long-awaited Social Economy Action Plan, published on 9 December 2021. The Action Plan proposes a definition for the social economy and addresses three main areas: Adapting policy and legal frameworks to the needs of the Social Economy, opening up opportunities for the Social Economy by improving access to […]

AIM Special Briefing – Berlin 2021

AIM published its Special Briefing on its November meetings. It summarises the events that took place in Berlin in the context of AIM Board of Directors’ meetings. Read it here: AIM Special Briefing_Berlin 2021

7 December 2021

Mutualist Pledge for the Greater Involvement of Youth in the Mutualist Movement

AIM Latin-American members adopted the “Mutualist Pledge for the Greater Involvement of Youth in the Movement”. The document testifies of the strong will and commitment on the part of all mutual organisations to include young people and make them feel that they are the protagonists of the movement. It puts forward a series of commitments, […]

6 December 2021

AIM spoke at the COCIR webinar on the promise of data in healthcare

On 2 November, AIM spoke at the COCIR webinar on the promise of data in healthcare. AIM presented its position on the exchange of health data, emphasizing that the collection of health data must serve public interest purposes, and should not be only used for commercial use. Health insurance funds do not only serve as […]

30 November 2021

AIM as keynote speaker at the European Patient Forum on “Accessing digital health: from reimbursement to the digital divide”

AIM was invited as a keynote speaker at the European Patient Forum Congress on 27 October 2021. The topic was about “Accessing digital health: from reimbursement to the digital divide”. AIM presented how the insurance community views the opportunities and challenges of digital solutions and, when it comes to reimbursement of digital solutions, what kind […]

European Parliament adopts amendments on serious cross-border health treats

On 15 September, the European Parliament had adopted by 594 votes to 85, with 16 abstentions, amendments to the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on serious cross-border threats to health. Council had already made its decision on 13 July 2021. The proposal provides for a stronger and more […]

Intergenerational Solidarity & Ageism: AIM takes part to the Conference of the Slovenian Presidency

The Slovenian Presidency organised on 18 November the conference Human Rights for All Ages: Promoting a Life Course Perspective and Intergenerational Cooperation to Combat Ageism. The event gathered over 600 participants from 60 countries. AIM was invited to participate to a panel on the importance of intergenerational solidarity as a way to tackle ageism. Participants […]

29 November 2021

Belgium: Solidaris calls for renewed reflection on the Cancer Plan

Solidaris has published its latest study on breast cancer and the hidden side of the disease. The Mutual has been tracking the health expenses of women who started breast cancer treatment in 2014 for several years and also conducted a survey last June to better understand the daily life of women who have or have […]

26 November 2021

The Netherlands: Former health insurance funds have invested heavily in care innovation over the past 20 years

During the past 20 years, health insurance companies that used to be health insurance funds have spent approximately 300 million euro on care innovation projects. Some 6,200 projects have been (co-)financed with the former health insurance fund reserves and the returns on these (another 100 million euros). The reserves belonged to the voluntary health insurance […]

EDCs: International recognition for the Mutualités Libres

For the Mutualités Libres, reducing the impact of climate change and environmental pollution on public health is one of big priorities in healthcare. In 2020 was decided to develop a project on endocrine chemical disruptors (EDC), as Belgian authorities were discussing a national action plan on EDCs while the EU was launching the Green Deal. […]

“Affordability of medicines – How to find a fair price for medicines?” – Stakeholders discuss the way out of excessive prices at AIM seminar

The meeting opened with an intervention from Prof. Josef Hecken, Chairman, Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) and Thomas Ballast, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Techniker Krankenkasse. Prof. Hecken presented the price-building mechanism in Germany and G-BA’s role therein. In Germany, the price-building mechanisms stems from negotiations between health insurers, doctors, patients in the G-BA […]

24 November 2021

Stop marketing unhealthy food to children!

On 9 November, the online seminar “Towards a childhood free from unhealthy food marketing: Exploring the next frontier for European Action” gathered over 180 participants to discuss the effects of that marketing on children’s health and rights. The discussions also highlighted the lack of protection offered by current instruments such as the EU Pledge, and […]

9 November 2021

European Commission adopts 2022 Work Programme

Ursula Von der Leyen presented the 2022 Work Programme on 19 October. It contains 42 new policy initiatives, across six headline ambitions: a European Green Deal; a Europe Fit for the Digital Age; an Economy that Works for People; a Stronger Europe in the World; Promoting our European Way of Life; and a New Push […]

26 October 2021

Parliament adopts its Report on the Farm to Fork

21 October – The European Parliament adopted its Farm to Fork report, with a vast majority of 452 of the 699 Members of Parliament voting in favour. The adoption of the text sends a clear signal to the European Commission and Member States on the need for a shift towards sustainable food systems through ambitious […]

25 October 2021

Gender equality must be at the centre of an inclusive and supportive recovery

On Thursday 21 October, the Association Internationale de la Mutualité (AIM), the Programme d’Appui aux Stratégies Sociales (PASS), and the Latin American Network of Women in the Social and Solidarity Economy, organised their international seminar entitled “Women as protagonists of the mutualist movement”. More information (in French): Les femmes comme protagonistes du mouvement mutualiste_FINAL See […]

22 October 2021

AIM presents its fair price model in the scientific publication of the German insurer AOK

AIM wrote an article for the German health insurer AOK’s scientific institute (AOK WiDo) specifically on the AIM calculator and model. The final article was published as part of a scientific book, which was presented at a press conference in Berlin. We are grateful for the opportunity that was offered to participate in this important […]

20 October 2021

Discovering the Role of Food Environments for Sustainable Food Systems

Food environments are at the heart of the debate about the achievement of more sustainable food systems. “The concept has been adopted by a range of leading organisations and incorporated in a number of initiatives, including the European Union’s (EU) Farm to Fork Strategy. But what are food environments? What added value does the concept […]

18 October 2021

Dutch Health insurers committed to improve Co-decision in Healthcare

Beginning of September, the Dutch ‘Decide Together’ campaign started. It is an initiative of patient- and branch organisations from medical-specialist care, general practitioner care, paramedical care and district nursing. Zorgverzekeraars Nederland (ZN), member of AIM, supports this campaign. For the quality of care, health insurers consider it essential that patients decide together with their doctor […]

5 October 2021

European Commission opens its public consultation on the revision of the basic pharmaceutical legislation

On 28 September the European Commission opened its public consultation on the revision of the basic pharmaceutical legislation. The public consultation aims to collect views of stakeholders and of the general public in order to support the evaluation of the existing general pharmaceutical legislation and the assessment of the impact of options for its revision. […]

1 October 2021

WHO publishes the recommendations of the Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Developments

“The COVID-19 pandemic calls for urgent reform of health care, surveillance and governance in the WHO European Region and beyond”, Dr. Hans Kluge, WHO’s Europe Director. On September 10th, WHO published the recommendations of the Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development. This Commission has been set up under the presidency of Mario Monti, the […]

The publication of WHO’s updated Global Air Quality Guidelines is an opportunity for the EU to improve its air quality standard for a better protection of public health

On 22 September, the WHO published its updated Global Air Quality Guidelines. They provide clear evidence of the health harm of air pollution, at even lower concentrations than previously thought, and recommend new limits for key air pollutants. The publication can constitute a key tool in the fight against both air pollution and climate change. […]

23 September 2021

AIM welcomes Von der Leyen’s plans for an EU “grounded in values and bold in action”

President Von der Leyen delivered on 15 September her much awaited State of the Union address, a speech that was bathed in solidarity and European values, as it should be. The three pillars of the European Commission’s programme, key transitions of this century, were at the centre of discourse: digital, social and green. AIM reacted […]

17 September 2021

Techniker Krankenkasse Study – The fair price calculator could help Germany save yearly 13 billion € of medicines costs

Patent-protected drugs are one of the main cost drivers for statutory health insurance (GKV). Despite a relatively low prescription frequency, they account for almost half of all pharmaceutical costs due to their very high prices. For this reason, the German health insurer Techniker Krankenkasse along with the University of Bremen ran AIM’s calculator for fair […]

9 September 2021

The German health insurer Techniker Krankenkassen finds that using the fair price calculator could deliver 13 billion € savings per year in Germany

Patent-protected drugs are one of the main cost drivers for statutory health insurance. Despite a relatively low prescription frequency, they account for almost half of all pharmaceutical costs due to their very high prices. This is why the German health insurer Techniker Krankenkassen (TK) and the University of Bremen published a study applying AIM’s fair […]

AIM publishes its Newsletter for the Latin-American Region

AIM publishes today the very first issue of its Newsletter for its Latin-American region. The paper will be published twice a year, in close collaboration with AIM members. The document is nurtured by articles from CAM, FENAMMF, Gestarsalud and UMU. They cover the latest news regarding mutuals and social economy in Argentina, Colombia and Uruguay. […]

28 July 2021

Cross-border healthcare Directive: a proper implementation, which safeguards patients’ rights

AIM has been deeply involved in the legislative process of the cross-border healthcare directive and in its implementation. You can find AIM’s feedback on the directive’s implementation here. You can also read AIM’s answer to the European Commission Consultation on the Evaluation of patient rights in cross-border healthcare: AIM answer consultation crossborder healthcare_22072021

27 July 2021

How to improve healthcare through the exchange of health data?

The European Commission plans to publish a proposal for a common European health data space by the end of 2021. With the European Health Data Space, the Commission plans to promote better exchange and access to different types of health data, such as data from electronic health records, genomics data or data from patient registries […]

26 July 2021

The Dutch platform Medicine for Society uses AIM’s model to calculate the pricing of an orphan medicinal products

Mexiletine is a long-known drug used for the treatment of arrhythmias and repurposed in the 1980s for patients with the rare condition nondystrophic myotonia (NDM). Over the past few years, the price of mexiletine in Europe increased significantly after the product was registrated as an orphan drug for NDM. The Dutch platform Medicine for Society […]

20 July 2021

AIM welcomes the very comprehensive and ambitious long-term vision for rural areas proposed by the European Commission.

AIM believes the “vision”, and the proposed “Rural Pact” and “Action Plan” have a clear potential to overcome the many challenges faced by rural areas and to boost their potential to contribute to a greener, healthier, and more social Europe. The proposals made by the European Commission are at the crossroads between the three important […]

14 July 2021

EMA publishes the minutes of the third EMA-Payer Community meeting

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) just published the minutes of the 12 March EMA-Payer Community meeting. On this day, representatives from the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM), the European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP), the payer platform Medicines Evaluation Committee (MEDEV) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) met for the third time to further […]

AIM supports the revision of the labelling rules on alcoholic beverages

AIM recommends revising the rules for all alcoholic beverages. The existing exemption to provide the list of ingredients and a nutrition declaration on label for alcoholic beverages containing more than 1.2% by volume of alcohol should be revoked. Mandatory indications should be required to be provided on label for all alcoholic beverages. (option 2 in […]

8 July 2021

Payer involvement is important for a successful EU HTA framework!

The International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM) welcomes the validation in COREPER of the provisional interinstitutional agreement between the Council and the European Parliament on Health Technology Assessment (HTA). The text will lead to better patient protection, give enough space for national healthcare systems to adapt, all while supporting evidence generation on medicines and […]

EUMHAlliance: New Framework on Health and Safety at work.

On 28 June 2021, the European Commission published its new Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work 2021 – 2027 with the overarching aims to anticipate and manage change, prevent work-related accidents and illnesses, and increase preparedness against future crises. Although concrete details on the proposed actions are yet to be seen and the […]

6 July 2021

AIM Series of Factsheets

AIM has launched a series of factsheets on health promotion and disease prevention related issues. Not only do the documents contain facts and figures on the different themes but also a series of recommendations for decision-makers as well as a list of best practices implemented by AIM members to tackle diverse challenges. See below for […]

29 June 2021

EU Organisations join Forces to call for action to address the increasing burden of cardiovascular Diseases

Brussels, 16 June 2021: Today, 12 key EU and international health organisations signed a joint statement to call on the EU to develop a comprehensive EU Plan on cardiovascular diseases (CVD) , which are the first cause of death in Europe , affecting millions of people. Read the Press Release: Final Press Release _ Joint […]

16 June 2021

AIM successfully launches its Calculator for Fair Medicines Prices in Europe

The International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM) has launched today its calculator for fair medicines prices in Europe (German version here). The calculator transposes AIM’s fair pricing model into a policy tool which will help the public, specialists and non-specialists alike, evaluate fair medicines prices and compare them with those currently paid by healthcare […]

11 June 2021

AIM Declaration: Global access to vaccines & medicines is needed for all and at a fair price

AIM’s General Assembly adopted a declaration on Global Access to Vaccines. AIM welcomes the different initiatives of the European Commission and the WHO et al. to enable for access to the vaccines in all the regions of the world. In its declaration, AIM calls on international institutions, national governments and the pharmaceutical industry to make […]

AIM publishes its work programme 2021-2023

Read it here in 4 languages: – English: 3b EN – AIM Wkg_prog_2021_2023 – French: 3b FR – AIM Wkg_prog_2021_2023 – German: 3b DE – AIM Wkg_prog_2021_2023 – Spanish: 3b SP – AIM Wkg_prog_2021_2023

10 June 2021

AIM Seminar: Long-term care systems: solidarity as the only way forward.The added value of the mutualist sector.

What is the role of mutuals regarding long-term care? What is their added value compared to other private and public providers and insurers? This event will provide a helicopter view of the many roles mutuals play in the sector. It will showcase some best practices regarding aspects such as improved affordability, better integrated care and […]

19 May 2021

AIM publishes Declaration on EDCs

On the occasion of the online seminar co-organised with HEAL and Mutualités Libres: “Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Public Health: How are mutuals taking action”, AIM publishes its updated declaration on endocrine disruptors: “Limiting exposure to EDCs, a responsibility for all”. Read the document here: AIM Declaration_Limiting exposure to EDCs_ a responsibility for all_FINAL Visual: RecommendationsEDCs […]

29 April 2021

AIM answers Consultation on the roadmap of the Social Economy Action Plan

The ongoing Covid-19 crisis and its serious consequences has definitively shown, how important social economy enterprises with its main players associations, foundations, mutual benefit societies and cooperatives are. Suddenly, health, resilience and solidarity moved into the focus of policy making.. Solidarity is the most important core value of mutual benefit societies. In the healthcare sector, […]

27 April 2021

Green Paper on Healthy Ageing: AIM answers Consultation

The paper below gathers AIM’s full answer to the European Commission consultation on the Green Paper on Ageing. Some examples of best practices from the mutualist sector have been listed under some of the questions in the sections “Some inspiration from mutuals”. They provide concrete examples on the type of action that can be taken. […]

21 April 2021

Health Literacy in the EU Cancer Plan

This paper highlights AIM’s very first reaction on the initiatives mentioned by the European Commission Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan regarding health literacy. AIM looks forward to the implementation roadmap which will hopefully provide more information on the concrete actions planned and their scope. In the meantime, AIM highlights in its document a series of aspects, […]

The global mutualist Movement loses a staunch Advocate

AIM has learnt with great sorrow of the passing of its former President Jean-Philippe Huchet. Mr Huchet was a staunch advocate of the global mutualist movement. He will be deeply missed and always remembered by the AIM family. Our sympathy and thoughts are with his family and friends. Jean-Philippe Huchet was Vice-President of AIM from […]

8 April 2021

World Health Day Declaration – International solidarity needs to play at full speed to ensure access to COVID-19 vaccines

This year’s World Health Day is placed under the motto “Building a fairer, healthier world”. On this occasion, the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM), gathering health mutuals, health insurance funds and other not-for-profit healthcare payers from three regions in the world, calls for: affordability, accessibility and international solidarity in vaccines supply, for a […]

7 April 2021

EVENT: Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals & Public Health: How mutuals are taking action.

The negative impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on health is no longer questionable. This online seminar, co-organised by the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), Mutualités Libres and the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM), will explore the actions which are being taken at international and European level to reduce exposure to these chemicals. […]

31 March 2021

AIM looks for Secretary/Assistant

AIM, the international association of non-profit healthcare payers, including mutual benefit societies, Krankenkassen and health insurance funds, is looking for a full-time secretary with a limited contract. If you like to work in a dynamic, international team in an international association with members in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America, please have a […]

9 March 2021

AIM welcomes the Action Plan on the Pillar of Social Rights

AIM welcomes the publication of the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan which aims to build a stronger Social Europe by 2030. Together with its members and partners, AIM will contribute to turn the implementation of this the Action Plan into a success. Read our Press Release: Press release Social Pillar_final_080321

8 March 2021

AIM feedback on the HERA

Health crises like Covid-19 are global in nature and require collaboration. This has been proven by various examples such as the help provided by the German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg to patients from Alsace in France. Such a collaboration and collective action can only work if certain powers are transferred to European level while respecting national […]

1 March 2021

AIM answers EC Consultation on its Framework for health and safety at work

AIM welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the upcoming revision of the European Commission Framework for Health and Safety at Work. AIM underlines the need to adopt a Health in all Policies approach as an overarching principle. Such an approach goes beyond mere “synergies with other policy areas”, as put forward in the previous […]

Improvement of healthcare through exchange of health data – but how ?

AIM submitted its response to the European Commission’s roadmap on the European Health Data Space. You can find the response here

19 February 2021

EU Cancer Plan: It is now time to turn ambitions into reality!

AIM welcomes the ambitious Cancer Plan presented by the European Commission. The choice to follow a health in all policies approach and to put the “interest and well-being of patients, families and the wider population at the heart” is the only appropriate way ahead to beat cancer. AIM is convinced that the goals set up […]

11 February 2021

AIM recommendations to the EC Roadmap on Food labelling

AIM sees potential in the Roadmap of the EC on the Revision of Information provided to Consumers. We welcome the initiative as we are convinced of the importance of properly informing consumers in order to empower them to make the right choice for their health and the environment. If the correct scenarios are chosen, the […]

5 February 2021

AIM reaction to the Green Paper on Healhty Ageing: Big challenges call for bold action and solidarity

AIM welcomes the EU Green Paper on Healthy Ageing. AIM agrees that healthy ageing can only be achieved through actions across the lifespan and generations. AIM believes that the document published is comprehensive and contains most of the biggest challenges to be tackled related to the demographic change, which AIM also highlighted in its recommendations. […]

3 February 2021

AIM response to the European Commission Roadmap on the Green Paper on Healthy Ageing

AIM welcomes the roadmap published by the European Commission for the Green Paper on Healthy Ageing and looks forward to taking part to the upcoming consultation. The challenges entailed by demographic change, digitalisation and climate change are to be tackled together. The roadmap rightly mentions that demographic change is one of the mega-trends which are […]

16 December 2020

AIM Workshop on AI in Healthcare

Workshop: “AI in healthcare: Great opportunities for patients. How can mutuals become drivers?“ The event will be held in the framework of the European Social Economy Summit – Mannheim 2021. It takes place on 17 December between 1:30 and 3:00 pm. Find the whole programme here: December-Programme-Overview Registration. Find instructions on the online platform here: […]

7 December 2020

AIM answers the Consultation on the Pillar of Social Rights

AIM welcomes communication from the European Commission on “Building a European Health Union: Reinforcing the EU’s resilience for cross-border health threats”, which was published on 11 November as well as the conference of Europe, where EU citizens were meant to be invited to reflect on Europe’s future at a conference that will debate European policy […]

1 December 2020

Tackling Medical Deserts across the EU

In the context of the European Commission Consultation on a “Long Term Vision for Rural Areas”, AIM has published a statement containing some recommendations on how access to healthcare and long-term care service in rural areas. Rural areas are often characterised by low income and rapidly declining populations. While those populations are rapidly ageing and […]

30 November 2020

The Pharmaceutical Strategy for the EU: A welcome set of actions but strong political leadership is needed

The European Commission has published its Communication on a Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe. AIM, the leading international umbrella organisation of health mutuals and not-for-profit healthcare payershas read the Communicationwith interest,taking into account the strong international agenda for human rights development, and more importantly the Sustainable Development Goals. Find our press release here.

26 November 2020

EU Strategic Framework on Health & Safety at Work – AIM Reaction to the Roadmap

AIM welcomes the comprehensive roadmap published by the European Commission and underlines the importance of the following series of key elements to ensure that the upcoming strategy is fit for purpose and in line with the European Pillar of Social Rights. Read more here: strategicframework_Consultation_FINALstatement.docx

AIM publishes its Activity Report 2017-2020

You will find the links for all languages below: English: AIM Activity report 2017-2020_online version_EN_light French: AIM Activity report 2017-2020_nofacing_onlineversion_FR_light German: AIM Activity report 2017-2020_nofacing_onlineversion_DE_light Spanish: AIM Activity report 2017-2020_nofacing_onlineversion_ES_light

19 November 2020

AIM elects new Executive Committee (Presidium)

18 November – AIM has elected today its new Presidium for the next 3 years. Loek Caubo from Zorgverzekeraars Nederland, the umbrella organization of health insurers in the Netherlands will be the new chair of AIM from 2020 to 2023.

18 November 2020

COVID-19: AIM publishes Recommendations for Europe & Regional Declarations

Today, AIM’s Board of Directors and General Assembly of has adopted its recommendations: “Only in solidarity can we overcome pandemics”. At the same time AIM adopted its declarations for Africa and the Middle East and for South America. Read the Press release on AIM recommendations here:PRrecommendationsAIMCOVID19 – AIM recommendations: “Only with solidarity and cooperation can […]

Online Seminar: Health in Times of the COVID19 Pandemic

Thrusday 19 November – 14:00 to 16:00 (Brussels time) How did countries across the world deal with the pandemic? How are they preparing for future healthcare crisis and what do they expect from decision-makers? Join our online seminar to find out. After keynote speeches from Jens Spahn, Minister for Health, Germany; Hans Kluge, Regional Director, […]

12 November 2020

Joint Statement – Transparency is needed to reap the full benefits of the EU’s investment in its Vaccines Strategy

Ahead of Friday 18 September’s webinar the EU Vaccine Strategy, a number of European and international organisations representing not-for-profit healthcare insurers, healthcare professionals, public interest organisations have developed and endorsed recommendations to bring more transparency around the Strategy and the accompanying Advance Purchase Agreements. At this crucial stage in the development of one of the […]

21 September 2020

Stronger Health Union needed in Europe

Ursula von der Leyen gave her State of the Union Speech today. Her address was bathed in solidarity, a key value of the European Union, which AIM also fiercely defends. Read our Press Release here: PR_SOTEU_FINAL_PDF

17 September 2020

Recommendations towards fair medicines prices in Europe

12 European and international organisations representing not-for-profit healthcare insurers, healthcare professionals, public interest organisations and trade unions have developed and endorsed recommendations to bring fair medicines prices in Europe. As the European Commission is consulting on its forthcoming European Pharmaceutical Strategy and that the current crisis strained severely health systems and public budgets, signatories of […]

7 July 2020

AIM Recommendations on the Green Paper on Ageing

AIM welcomes the European Commission’s intention to publish a Green Paper on Healthy Ageing. AIM believes people’s health and well-being should be at the centre of that paper, just as of any EU initiative. Europeans who gain in healthy life years can contribute to society for longer on the one hand and reduce the impact […]

6 July 2020

AIM calls for a Pharmaceutical Strategy shaped to ensure and promote solidarity and sustainable healthcare in the European Union

AIM, the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies, has articulated a set of recommendations to rebalance pharmaceutical markets in Europe. AIM calls for the European Pharmaceutical Strategy to be first and foremost a health strategy to support universal healthcare coverage. It must be a strategy that shapes a pharmaceutical industry for solidarity and sustainable healthcare […]

3 July 2020

AIM reacts to the publication of the European Pharmaceutical Strategy roadmap

A fair diagnosis but will the treatment match ? The European Commission has published the roadmap to the European Pharmaceutical Strategy. AIM, the leading international umbrella organisation of health mutuals and not-for-profit healthcare payers has read the concise document with interest and comes up with a set of recommendations and principles for the remainder of […]

5 June 2020

Health Insurance Funds and Health Mutuals welcome Europe’s Recovery Plan for the Next Generation

“This is the moment for Europe to put an emphasis on better health care systems for all, based on the principles of solidarity, democracy and not for profit!” Christian Zahn, AIM President Read the Press release here: PR_European Recovery_FINAL

29 May 2020

AIM welcomes the Farm to Fork Strategy proposal, a further step in the right direction

AIM welcomes the ambitions described in the Farm to Fork Strategy, key in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and in the implementation of a successful Green Deal. The Strategy has the potential to play a key role in the EU’s Beating Cancer Plan by reducing cancer incidence through healthier foods, empowered and informed consumers, and […]

27 May 2020

Mental health in the eye of the COVID-19 hurricane

The COVID-19 pandemic is having an enormous impact on mental health and well-being worldwide. During the pandemic, people become more at risk of experiencing, directly or indirectly, confusion, frustration, anxiety, and fear , sometimes combined with a lack of access to and continuity of care and adequate support for pre-existing ill-mental or physical health conditions. […]

8 May 2020

EU Collaboration on Vaccination

The current outbreak of COVID-19, its crippling effects on European economies and societies and the race to find a vaccine against the disease have put to the fore the fragility of our societies. It has also made the importance of vaccination more evident than ever and thumbed its nose to the most sceptical. Beyond and […]

22 April 2020

Artificial intelligence in healthcare: a great potential in an ecosystem of trust!

The international umbrella organization of mutual benefit societies (AIM) welcomes the priority focus of the European Commission on artificial intelligence. Health insurance funds and health mutuals see an enormous potential of artificial intelligence in healthcare. A “(…) coordinated European approach to the human and ethical implications of AI (…)” is highly welcomed. AIM proposes today […]

21 April 2020

Gambling and Covid: AIM updates its memorandum

In order to fight the Covid19 pandemic and prevent its spread, governments are currently forced to take strict confinement measures. While those measures included the cancellation of all sports events (and therefore any bet related to them), imposed lockdowns have forced industry to look for online equivalents. On the one hand, people who do not […]

20 April 2020

Time for pandemic solidarity!

AIM has published a statement as a reaction to the unprecedented crisis which the EU is going through due to the Covid19 pandemic. In the document, AIM calls on all citizens to act responsibly and follow governments’ recommendations. It also asks healthcare industries to put effective health technologies on the market at an affordable price, […]

25 March 2020

The impact of solvency II rules on mutual benefit societies in the sector of social protection

AIM has drafted a paper providing the European institutions with information and knowledge on how Solvency II affects them. The paper allows for a reasoned reflection on possible future policy development. It is intended to raise awareness of European policy makers of mutuals and of their specificities. The position paper can be found here.

23 March 2020

Joint letter to the European Commission on Covid19

AIM (International Association of health care mutuals and health care funds), CPME (Standing Committee of European Doctors), ESIP (European Social Insurance Platform) and HOPE (European Hospital and Healthcare Federation) sent a joint letter to the European Commission concerning the Covid19 pandemic. The document welcomes the Commission’s efforts and measures taken to get out of the […]

18 March 2020

AIM publishes reaction to Farm to Fork Strategy Roadmap

AIM welcomes the initiative to launch a Farm to Fork Strategy as part of the European Green deal. We agree that the strategy is key in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and hope that the European Commission (EC) will keep that objective in mind when developing it.

16 March 2020

AIM calls for a real social pillar to be included into the EU-Africa Strategy

The EU-Africa Strategy that was published on March 9th, includes human development and the development of social protection. “These are the two fundamental pillars in any ambitious cooperation policy”, as Christian Zahn, the President of the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM), the leading international association of not-for-profit mutual healthcare insurers and healthcare funds […]

13 March 2020

AIM Recommendations for the Future of long-term Care

AIM issues the following set of recommendations to decision-makers as a contribution to the ongoing debate on the future adequacy and sustainability of Long-Term Care systems. Demographic changes and rising rates of chronic diseases are putting European Long-Term Care (LTC) systems under pressure. That burden is expected to rise, as demand increases and contributions to […]

4 March 2020

AIM’s reaction to the EU’s Beating Cancer Plan Roadmap

AIM, the leading international association of healthcare funds and mutuals, welcomes the focus and intentions described in the European Commission’s roadmap for the EU’s Beating Cancer Plan. The cancer plan announces the right approach.

3 March 2020

Artificial intelligence: great potential for not-for-profit healthcare insurance and for patients’ needs

The European Commission adopted its white paper on artificial intelligence (AI) and a European data strategy on 19 February 2020. The umbrella organization of health insurance funds and health mutuals (AIM) welcomes the initiative of the European Commission to enable a trustworthy and secure development of AI and to create a unique “ecosystem of trust”. […]

25 February 2020

Joint Statement – Prevention at the heart of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan

Prevention is the foundation of public health policy and central to protecting and improving people’s health and well-being. Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan is a key opportunity to put prevention where it belongs – at the heart of the European Union’s (EU) health agenda.

17 February 2020

AIM supports the need for a European approach to fight cancer

The European Commission launches today the first phase of its awaited Cancer Plan with its conference: “Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: Let’s strive for more”. AIM, the leading international association of healthcare mutuals and sickness funds, welcomes the intentions of the Commission to put the fight against the Cancer plague high on its agenda. AIM looks […]

4 February 2020

Health insurance funds and health mutuals welcome the Commission’s reflections on a strong social Europe

European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit presented a Communication on building a strong social Europe for just transitions. It sets out how social policy will help deliver on the challenges and opportunities of today. AIM, in its press release on the publication of the Communication, welcomes the first reflections of the European […]

15 January 2020

The EU Green Deal: an opportunity for public and planetary health

On 11 December, the European Commission presented its awaited Green Deal. AIM welcomes the ambitions expressed in the EC document, which clearly reflect the urgency of the situation.

13 December 2019

European patients need fair medicines prices

The press regularly announces the discovery of a new drug or the purchase of promising small biotech companies for a substantial amount of money. But are the astronomical amounts that come along with these drugs such good news for patients and European health systems? On 4 December in the morning in the European Parliament, the […]

4 December 2019

State of Health in the EU hits the Bullseye!

AIM subscribes to the conclusions drawn by this year’s State of Health in the EU published on November 27th, 2019. These reports highlight the biggest challenges to be tackled by our healthcare systems in order to ensure access, quality and resilience. They look at trends in the transformation of healthcare systems in Member States. They […]

29 November 2019

AIM Special Briefing – Brussels 2019

Our special briefing summarises the meetings which took place in Brussels from 12 to 15 November 2019. It is available in 4 languages: English:AIM Special Briefing – BoDBrussels2019_FINAL French: AIM Special Briefing – BoDBrussels2019_light_FR German: AIM Special Briefing – BoDBrussels2019_DE_light Spanish: AIM Special Briefing – BoDBrussels2019_light_ES Presentations Wednesday 13 November ppt_JointSession_medicaldeserts_wednesday13November ppt_LatinAmericaCommittee_Wednesday13November De 0 a […]

21 November 2019

Universal health coverage: Mutuals are key partners

While the United Nations (UN) and its agencies are today organizing the High Level Conference on Universal Health Coverage, mutuals recall the need to involve the mutualist world in the efforts of international organizations in this regard. The members of the Association Internationale de la Mutualité (AIM) defend the values of solidarity and have as […]

23 September 2019

EU 2019-2024: Health Champions wanted!

The event, which will be co-hosted by MEP Dr Peter Liese (EPP, DE) and Dr Sara Cerdas (S&D, PT) , is jointly organised by AIM and 9 other European organisations working in the field of healthcare. Please find here the agenda of the event: Agenda_EU-2019-2024-Health-Champions-Wanted Press Release: 191001E PR EU health community presents itself to […]

19 September 2019

AIM Special Briefing is out!

Find out more about AIM’s meetings, which took place from 26 to 28 June in Luxembourg.

8 July 2019

Watch AIM Memorandum video

AIM published a video on its memorandum for the EU elections. It summarises the Association’s recommendations to EU institutions and priorities for the coming years. Watch it here.

3 July 2019

MoU between EC and the Spirits Industry fails to acknowledge consumers’ right to information

On 4 May, the Spirits Industry signed a MoU with the European Commission on the labelling of their products. Several Healthcare Advocacy organisations, including AIM, have voiced their discontentment with the agreement as the European spirits industry is actually refraining from informing consumers at the point of sale in an easy and accessible manner. Instead […]

5 June 2019

We need more transparency on medicinal products markets!

Several World Health Organization Member States have tabled a Resolution on medicines transparency at the World Health Assembly. The International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM) has read this resolution and welcomes the text as we believe it can bring some long-needed change towards fair maximum prices. You can find AIM’s position here.

23 May 2019

AIM President Interview: “The future of Europe must be social!”

Watch AIM President Interview here.

2 May 2019

No Future of Work without Mental Health

On World Day for Safety and Health at Work, the European Alliance for Mental Health – Employment and Work (EUMH Alliance) – of which AIM is part –  highlights the importance of including mental health as part of a timely debate on the Future of Work in the EU. In a world where costs related […]

26 April 2019

WATCH ONLINE: AMA organises international congress of mutualism in Montevideo

AIM partner AMA, in collaboration with AIM Uruguayan member UMU organise on 24 and 25 April the international conference of mutualism. You can watch it online here. The programme can be found here: Programa_final

24 April 2019

Mutuals and non-profit healthcare payers play a vital role in the achievement of Universal Healthcare Coverage

Universal health coverage represents an overarching challenge for societies around the globe. AIM members, who stand for the values of solidarity and democracy, have made it their priority. They are convinced of the added value of mutuals and other non-profit healthcare payers in offering coverage to all, reaching vulnerable populations and meeting unmet needs.

5 April 2019

Medical Devices: Time to implement Regulations and increase Transparency

AIM, together with the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP), the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE), the European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP), Prescrire and the Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) call for timely application of the new rules on medical devices and complete transparency concerning the high-risk medical devices with public access to […]

26 February 2019

AIM is recruiting an executive director!

AIM is looking for a new Executive Director. The deadline for your application is 28 February. A first round of interviews is foreseen for Friday morning 8 March. Please find the vacancy notice here.

8 February 2019

The documents of the Lomé conference are available!

AIM organised on 22-23 January 2019 in Lomé its international conference “Investing on Mutuals for the XXIst century”. The conference gathered more than 200 African and European mutualists. The purpose of the conference was to send a strong message regarding what is needed to expand social protection in Africa. The program of the conference consisted […]

5 February 2019

FNMF launches EP election campaign

The Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française (FNMF) launched today a campaign to facilitate debate about the future of Europe and the European Parliament Elections, taking place in May 2019. FNMF published a Manifesto co-signed by AIM and 8 other European partners (FIMIV, Montepio, VDEK, SVLFG, Knappschaft, SVB, Mutualité Chrétienne, Solidaris) which calls for a […]

AIM visited Paris!

A delegation of 20 AIM members visited on 10 and 11 January Paris. They got to know our member FNMF better, and the French Healthcare system. Participants learned all the ins and outs about the project “Reste a charge Zéro”. This ambitious project aims to reduce co-payments for spectacles, hearing aids and dental prosthesis to […]

16 January 2019

AIM International Conference “Investing in Mutuals for the 21st Century” (Lomé, Togo, 22-23 January 2019)

The International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM) is organising an international conference with its partners on 22 and 23 January 2019 in Lomé, in Togo, on the theme “Investing in Mutuals for the 21st Century “. This event will take place under the high patronage of the Presidency of the Togolese Republic and in […]

4 December 2018

L’AIM organise la conférence internationale mutualiste “Le Pari de la Mutualité pour le XXIe Siècle”!

L’AIM organise avec ses partenaires une conférence internationale les 22 et 23 janvier 2019 à Lomé, au Togo, sur le thème « Le Pari de la Mutualité pour le XXIe Siècle ». Cet évènement aura lieu sous le haut patronage de la Présidence de la République Togolaise et en collaboration avec l’Union Economique et Monétaire […]

Apps upon Prescription: Participate to AIM Seminar

Join our Seminar “Apps upon Prescription: Discussing mHealth Quality and Reimbursement” which will take place on 18 February in Brussels.

30 November 2018

AIM kicks off European Election Campaign together with EU Commissioner Andriukaitis

EU Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis endorsed the AIM memorandum for the European Elections of 2019. The memorandum sets out the priorities of health insurance funds and health mutuals for the next legislative period. Find a press release on the AIM conference on the future of health in Europe here. The AIM memorandum itself can be found […]

27 November 2018

Patient safety must prevail

Alarming messages in the international media yesterday and today confirm the need to ensure that patient safety is at the heart of the EU Medical Devices Regulation. At different moments before the new regulatory framework came into force in May 2017, AIM has been asking for high risk medical devices to go through a similar […]

26 November 2018

AIM 20 years Special Briefing is out!

Read AIM special briefing, which describes the meetings which took place in Brussels from 14 to 16 November 2018; amongst which our conference on the future of mental health with the presence of EU Commissioner Andriukaitis and our event on the future of mental health.

21 November 2018

AIM adopts Brussels declaration on Air Pollution and Health

We, the undersigned representatives of the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies, with 59 members from 30 countries and representing 240 million people worldwide and 160 million in Europe, have adopted the following declaration for the attention of European policy-makers AIM Brussels declaration on Air Pollution AIM Brussels declaration on Air Pollution_DE AIM Brussels declaration […]

15 November 2018

AIM publishes its Memorandum for the 2019 EU Elections

AIM published today its memorandum for the 2019 Elections, a document containing the organisation’s recommendations to the EU institutions for the next mandate. Read the document here: AIM_Memorandum_EN_FINAL AIM_Memorandum_FR_FINAL AIM_Memorandum_DE_FINAL AIM_Memorandum_ES_FINAL

AIM Board of Directors Meetings take place in Brussels

AIM held its Board of Directors (BoD) meetings in collaboration with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). From 14 to 16 November, the following meetings took place: Our region Committees’ meeting on the management of chronic diseases:Agenda Joint Meeting_Brussels 14 Nov 2018 Slides: Déroulé_Joint Committee meeting_12112018 Our Africa and Middle East Committee: Slides: Déroulé_Réunion […]

13 November 2018

The future of Health in the EU

What should a socio-political Europe look like? What will healthcare policy at EU level look like in 20 years? Join our debate  on the future of Health in the EU ahead of the 2019 elections. Discuss those questions and many others with the relevant stakeholders. And find out more about healthcare payers’ priorities for the […]

25 October 2018

The Future of Mental Health

Join AIM conference on the future of mental health which will be held on 16 November at the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels. See the agenda: in English: AIM GA Brussels 2018_conference on future of mental health_FINAL in French: T2018-70 Agenda Conference Mental health FR in German: AIM Brussels 2018-FutureMH-DE-FINAL in Spanish: AIM […]

4 October 2018

HTA vote in the EP: much more meat on the bones, but it still needs a bit more cooking

AIM supports the overall objective of the Commission proposal on Health Technology Assessment and welcomes the set of amendments the European Parliament adopted today. At the same time, AIM stresses that pricing and reimbursement authorities and payers should be part of the coordination group. AIM wonders how newly introduced concept like “justified, necessary and proportionate” […]

3 October 2018

Mutuals governance challenged by European law

On 28 September, the Association Internationale de la Mutualité (AIM) together with its Spanish member, Divina Pastora, have organised an event on mutuals governance, to discuss the challenges coming from European law. The Spanish insurance regulator, experts from Universities from Portugal and Spain as well as representatives from the mutuals sector from Spain, France, Italy, […]

2 October 2018

Mutual respect for each generation!

Member of the AIM Board of Directors, and Secretary General of the Belgian Federation of Liberal Mutuals, Mr Geert Messiaen calls in his latest article for mutual respect for each generation. Please find it here.

27 July 2018

AIM Special Briefing on Tallinn Meetings is out!

The briefing gathers the summaries of our meetings. You will also find in it the links to presentations and pictures. We hope that you enjoy reading it!

27 June 2018

AIM adopts Declaration on Health in all Policies

It is nowadays widely recognised that aspects of everyday life such as education, societal inclusion, housing standards, or meaningful employment, determine individuals’ health and wellbeing. Good health is not created by health service provision alone but also and mostly by other broader determinants which affect the circumstances in which people are born, study and age, […]

21 June 2018

AIM members to gather in Tallinn

From 20 to 22 June, AIM organises its General Assembly meetings in the city of Tallinn (Estonia). Discussions will cover a wide variety of topics such as:   The international dimension of social economy [EN – Agenda_Regional Committee meetings] Access to pharmaceuticals for African mutuals [Odre du jour_Réunion AME_Juin 2018.docx] The relationship between mutuals and […]

14 June 2018

AIM agrees on position regarding the draft EC regulation on HTA and the Cabezón report

AIM supports the overall objective of the EC proposal on HTA and calls upon the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament to ensure a compromise text that will bring EU collaboration in the field of HTA further. AIM would only be able to support an obligatory system for joint clinical assessments (as […]

11 June 2018

AIM welcomes EC proposal for stronger cooperation against vaccine-preventable diseases

The European Commission published today a proposal of recommendations on how EU cooperation in the fight against vaccine-preventable diseases can be strengthened. AIM welcomes the proposal, which goes in the same direction as the one indicated in AIM’s answer to the consultation earlier this year and is in line with the opinion stated in its […]

3 May 2018

The digital transformation must support solidarity-based healthcare systems

Please find AIM’s position on digital healthcare as a reply to the European Commission’s Communication on Digital Healthcare transformation. Sustainable access to high quality healthcare systems for all is an important objective of the association and its members. AIM’s position paper is aimed at making sure that digital health development helps health systems deliver sustainable, quality […]

AIM discusses draft HTA regulation with Commissioner Andriukaitis

27 April – AIM met today with European Commissioner for Health, Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis. We discussed the Commission’s proposal for a regulation on health technology assessment (HTA). We mentioned our concerns about the obligation for national authorities to use the joint clinical assessment reports. Some AIM members are reluctant to accept such an obligation as […]

30 April 2018

We welcome action against vaccine-preventable diseases

AIM welcomes the European Commission proposal for stronger cooperation against vaccine-preventable diseases. The European Commission published today a proposal of recommendations on how EU cooperation in the fight against vaccine-preventable diseases can be strengthened. In the attached paper we describe in more detail our thoughts about the Commission proposals.

27 April 2018

AIM visits its Members in Argentina and Uruguay

AIM was welcome by its Argentinian member CAM in Buenos Aires and by Uruguayan UMU in Montevideo, who organised an interesting programme to allow AIM members of the Presidium to get a better understanding of the realities in which mutuals function in both countries. President Christian Zahn, Vice-Presidents Matthias Savignac, Abdelaziz Alaoui, and Elisa Torrenegra, […]

6 April 2018

Social Economy and its access to the Internal Market

On 8 March 2018, AIM had its event in the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on “Social Economy and its access to the Internal Market”. Invited were representatives from the European institutions, professors and researchers as well as representatives from the mutuals. Alain Coheur, member of the EESC, welcomed participants and speakers such as […]

5 April 2018

International Seminar reaffirms the Importance of Mutualism in answering 21st Century Challenges

The International Seminar which took place in Buenos Aires gathered 200 mutualists from around the world. Discussions allowed to highlight the richness and variety of services which mutuals can offer to populations. As social economy actors, they carry out important roles, contributing to human development, economic aid, and accessible and high quality healthcare coverage for […]

22 March 2018

Joint reaction to the Alcohol Industry self regulatory proposal

Last year the European Commission provided the alcohol industry with the opportunity to come up with a self-regulatory proposal on alcohol labelling, an opportunity which the industry has ignored. In their Joint Statement, the alcohol industry is avoiding the responsibility to inform consumers at the point of sale in an easy and accessible manner. The […]

13 March 2018

AIM recommendations on Vaccine Hesitancy

Vaccination is one of the most successful and cost-effective interventions to improve health outcomes. While it is true that no vaccine is 100% effective, high uptake rates have allowed to eliminate, and in some cases eradicate, a number of diseases. And yet, the last decade has been characterized by outbreaks of resurgence of measles, mumps, […]

2 March 2018

Social Economy and its Access to the Internal Market

AIM and the EESC organise an event on “social economy and its access to the internal market”. Please find the agenda here.

15 February 2018

AIM director’s interview on HTA

AIM’s perspectives on Health Technology Assessments – An EU-wide approach? is the fourth in a series of articles initiated by Neha Dave and Anna Dé, independent health policy consultants in Brussels and London. This edition is an interview with Executive Director of International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies, Menno Aarnout, on AIM’s outlook on the […]

12 February 2018

What payers think about the latest HTA proposal

AIM welcomes efforts at EU level to improve the quality and timeliness of health technology assessments. It is excellent to ensure through Union-wide collaboration that the assessor has timely access to relevant high quality data to carry out meaningful comparisons between the assessed technologies and the most appropriate comparators. But we have concerns about parts […]

9 February 2018

AIM publishes position on TFAs

AIM answered the open public consultation on the initiative to limit industrial trans fats intakes in the EU. On that occasion the organisation also published a position paper: TFApositionpaper as well as a Video.

22 January 2018

AIM member sets the alarm bells ringing

The Secretary General of the liberal mutuality in Belgium, Geert Messiaen, sets the alarm bells ringing: societies are not dealing properly with the ageing population. Read his article here

2 January 2018

AIM organises Seminar on Vaccine Hesitancy

11 December: The WHO, the European Commission, the Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME), Vaccines Europe and AIM gathered in order to discuss one of the great 21st century challenges for public health. Vaccination is one of the most successful and cost-effective interventions to improve health outcomes. While it is true that no vaccine is […]

12 December 2017

AIM organised seminar on Vaccine Hesitancy

Read our press release: “Vaccine hesitancy, a public health threat to be tackled through multi-stakeholder collaboration”

Special Briefing – Rome 2017

AIM special briefing on its statutory meetings which took place in Rome from 15 to 17 November is out! Read it here.

27 November 2017

AIM publishes its Work Programme 2017-2020

Learn more about our priorities for the next three years. Find here here our Work Programme 2017-2020.

16 November 2017

Vaccines? No Thanks – Seminar on Vaccine Hesitancy

Around Europe, a growing wave of parents not wanting to vaccinate their children is threatening public health. The seminar should enable participants to hear about some examples of best practices, strategies and tools which they could use to convince parents to have their kids vaccinated but most importantly start a dialogue with other stakeholders in […]

14 November 2017

AIM organises its General Assembly in Rome!

On 15-17 November, AIM in partnership with its Italian member FIMIV will organize in Rome different meetings in the frame of its Extraordinary General Assembly. On Wednesday, AIM members and invited speakers will discuss on youth and mutualism. Leading international experts will talk on Thursday morning about rethinking policy to support sustainable access to pharmaceuticals, and on the balance between […]

10 November 2017

AIM members have different roles in ensuring access to pharmaceuticals

AIM discusses during its general assembly in Rome in November 2017 what could be appropriate steps towards sustainable access to pharmaceuticals. But why should AIM members be involved in those discussions? Are payers not just administrative bodies that do exactly what their governments tell them to do? No! AIM members play different important roles in […]

9 November 2017

We know what FAIR is!

The Dutch Minister of Health, Mrs Edith Schippers, brought the topic to the agenda of the European Council last year. The Commission is now trying to find out whether she had a point, whether it is true that prices of pharmaceuticals aren’t fair. Lack of price transparency makes a discussion about this topic difficult. How […]

11 October 2017

The Impact of an Ageing Population on the Healthcare workforce

AIM SEMINAR 17 November – Rome The Impact of an Ageing Population on the Healthcare workforce The meeting aims at providing a general picture of the European healthcare workforce today and at the impact with the ageing of populations and the consequent rise in chronic diseases and ill-health in general will have on it. Discusses […]

5 October 2017

Press release: Dialogue between EMA and AIM

The AIM Working Group on Pharmaceuticals participated last week in London, at the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in a dialogue between EMA and payer organisations about how to ensure alignment of efforts towards sustainable access to pharmaceuticals. Our joint press release can be found here.

27 September 2017

AIM public statement on the Juncker’s Speech State of the Union 2017

On 13 September 2017, the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker addressed in his annual Speech on the State of the European Union Members of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, in which he also presented his priorities for the future of Europe.

18 September 2017

New Dutch initiative to reduce costs of expensive pharmaceuticals

Dutch hospitals and health insurers will start with a pilot to collectively buy expensive medicines. Next year, negotiations will start for a group of cancer drugs. Cooperation must lead to a stronger negotiating position vis-à-vis pharmaceutical companies. ”Press article “Dutch Insurers and Hospitals join forces”

1 September 2017

AIM Presentation video

AIM presentation video gathers some of its members opinions on the added value of being part of AIM. Watch it Here!

12 July 2017

AIM Special Briefing – Antwerp 2017

The Special Briefing on our statutory meetings, which took place between 28 and 30 June is out! Read it here.

6 July 2017

Care integration offers opportunities for AIM members to steer necessary change in health delivery

On 30 June, the International Association for Mutual Benefit Societies organised in Antwerp a seminar on integrated care. This discussion was organised to present what AIM members and other organisations are doing in the field, and also introduce participants to the concept of integrated care. Indeed, AIM members do not only reimburse health services. A […]

30 June 2017

Christian Zahn re-elected as AIM President

L’Association Internationale de la Mutualité (AIM) has elected a new Presidium on 29 June 2017. Also in the coming three years, the association will chaired by Christian Zahn. Zahn has been running leading AIM since June 2014, and was the vice president of the association for three years.

Big Data opens opportunities for improving healthcare when balanced with the right privacy of personal data

29 June – During its European Affairs Committee in the framework of the XXXVIth General Assembly in Antwerp, AIM, the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies concluded that Big Data in healthcare gives a lot of opportunities that must be used, in good balance with the rights of patients to privacy of personal data. Data […]

AIM has a new logo!

Looking back at the history of our logo, its evolution since the birth of our association in 1950 is quite obvious. The first publications contained an image of a globe surrounded by people holding hands, which was not really agreed on as official logo but was still used. It represented mutuality as a moral link […]

29 June 2017

AIM has a new logo!

Looking back at the history of our logo, its evolution since the birth of our association in 1950 is quite obvious. The first publications contained an image of a globe surrounded by people holding hands, which was not really agreed on as official logo but was still used. It represented mutuality as a moral link […]

AIM publishes its Activity Report 2014-2017

AIM publishes the activity report for the last three years, a document which gathers all the activities carried out by the organisation.

AIM stresses the Importance of Mutuals in the Fight for Universal Healthcare Coverage

AIM, the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies”, organised a conference on the issue of access to healthcare for populations living at the margin of society, including migrants, informal workers or populations in remote areas. The event allowed to highlight the added value of healthcare mutuals when it comes to tackling healthcare inequalities and reaching […]

27 June 2017

AIM President underlines the role of mutuals in the fight against healthcare inequities.

AIM President, Mr. Christian Zahn (Vdek, Germany) opened today a joint session of AIM regional Committees. The meeting gathered mutuals and healthcare funds from all over the world and representatives of the European Agency for Fundamental Rights and of the Ibero-American Association of Social Security to discuss healthcare coverage of individuals living at the margin. […]

AIM organises its General Assembly in Antwerp!

The AIM General Assembly and Board of Directors meeting will take place in Antwerp from 28 to 30 June 2017. The AIM Secretariat has prepared short paragraphs presenting the event’s key meetings. Note that most events are open to AIM members only.

26 May 2017

Time for a proper recognition of social economy entreprises in the EU

This paper lays out AIM members’ position on the key concepts of ‘social economy’ and why mutuals fit in this category and why it is important to have a clear definition. The paper also outlines the specific policy needs of social economy enterprises with a focus on mutuals.

Time to unlock the Potential of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

AIM is the umbrella organisation of health mutuals and health insurance funds in Europe and in the world. Through its 63 members from 28 countries, AIM provides health coverage to 240 million people in the world and 209 million in Europe through compulsory

EUMHAlliance – Depression: the biggest barrier to workplace well-being

The European Alliance for Mental Health in All Policies, of which AIM is a member, published a Press Release on the occasion of World Health Day. The PR calls for an investment in mental-health promotion, prevention and recovery from mental illness as well as stigma reduction at work. world health day joint statement Clean

24 April 2017

Time for a proper recognition of social economy enterprises in the EU

On 26 April, AIM published its position on social economy. The paper lays out AIM members’ position on the key concepts of ‘social economy’ and explains why mutuals fit in this category and the importance of a clear definition of the concept. The document also outlines the specific policy needs of social economy enterprises with […]

21 April 2017

Open letter to the members of the Committee on Culture and Education

On 25 May 2016, the European Commission adopted a proposal to revise the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD), which includes provisions governing commercial communications for foods high in fat, sugar, and salt (HFSS food) and alcoholic beverages to children and minors. Open letter to the members of the Committee on Culture and Education_final

1 April 2017

AIM comments on the public consultation on excise duties applied to manufactured products

AIM recommends to increase taxation of all tobacco products which, on the other hand, should be taxed in a comparable way as appropriate

26 February 2017

AIM submits contribution to EC consultation on HTA

AIM fully supports the idea that, also after the finalization of EUnetHTA Joint Action 3 (in 2020), EU collaboration in the field of Health Technology Assessment remains very important. We submitted therefor today our supportive contribution to the EC consultation on EU collaboration in the field of HTA.

13 February 2017

AIM publishes declaration on EDCs

9 February – AIM publishes its declaration on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals demanding an appropriate set of criteria, but also calling on the Commission to raise public awareness on the issue and to come out with a series of evidence-based recommendation to populations and more particularly to vulnerable groups.

AIM adopts position on the Pillar of Social Rights

AIM calls for EU Pillar of Social Rights which contributes to sustainable access to good quality healthcare for all EU citizens in its position adopted on 24 November 2016. PR_PillarSocialRightsAIM_EN PR_PillarSocialRightsAIM_FR PR_PillarSocialRightsAIM_DE PR_PillarSocialRightsAIM_ES

8 December 2016

What about our kids?

30 November 2016, Brussels. A coalition of over 40 European and national health organisations and NGOs has joined forces in a campaign to protect children from commercial communications for alcohol and unhealthy food, mobilising around the ongoing revision of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive

30 November 2016

AIM organises Conference on Financial Regulation

How do mutuals in Europe and the world deal with financial regulation ? All over the world, financial regulations raise the same challenges: the necessity to ensure a balance between the objectives of stability and security for organisations, and the risk to implement too restrictive rules. Mutuals are dealing with regulations which tend to be […]

25 November 2016

AIM and ESIP publish Open Letter on the Standardisation of Health and Social Services

The members of ESIP and AIM, social security organisations, mutuals and health insurance funds, are following with great concern increasing efforts at European…

15 September 2016

Belgian mutuals organise demonstration against TTIP

For many months, Belgian mutuals are mobilized to raise awareness on the dangers of TTIP and CETA for healthcare. Join the demonstration which will take place on 20 September…

Standardisation of Health and Social Services

The members of ESIP and AIM, social security organisations, mutuals and health insurance funds, are following with great concern increasing efforts at European level for standardisation in the field of health and social services

14 September 2016

AIM recommendations on ceta

While in certain areas, the European Union and its Member States would certainly benefit from the “Comprehensive and Economic Free Trade Agreement (CETA)” through

8 July 2016

Health insurance funds and health mutuals urge clarification of the current exemptions on public services and health services in CETA

Health insurance funds and health mutuals welcome the announcement of European Trade Commissioner

AIM publishes press release and recommendations on CETA

Health insurance funds and health mutuals welcome the announcement of European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström on 5 July 2016 of CETA being a mixed agreement. Nevertheless, we regret the provisional implementation of the agreement. We believe that the current exemptions on public services and health services in CETA are not sufficient. PRESS RELEASE AIM CETA […]

AIM and ESIP sent letter to Commissioner Malmström on TTIP

AIM and ESIP have this week sent a letter to EU Commissioner Malmström concerning the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). It appreciates the progress that has been made in the preparations of TTIP regarding the wording of social security reservations in these agreements. Nevertheless healthcare payers and social security institutions have still some concerns […]

1 July 2016

Adaptive pathways: Why are we cautious?

In order to improve access to medicines, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has recently been merrily pushing towards speeding up marketing authorisation for new medicines. Several projects have been launched: GetReal, ADAPTSMART    

30 June 2016

AIM is cautious about adaptive pathways

AIM is cautious when ‘Adaptive Pathways’ are concerned. Please find here ten reasons why AIM has concerns.

AIM Position on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

AIM sends out a clear signal today about how important health promotion and disease prevention is. Chair of the AIM Working Group dealing with the topic, Mr Leo Blum says: “More prevention is key to the sustainability of our healthcare systems….  Ensuring universal access to care is more than ever crucial and can only be […]

3 June 2016

Actes de la Conférence Abidjan 2016

Mars 2016 Considérant que plus de 90% de la population vivant dans des pays à faible revenu ne bénéficie d’aucun droit à une couverture de santé, Considérant qu’une couverture maladie appropriée est le prérequis pour tout développement social et économique et que l’accès à des soins de santé de qualité devrait être un droit fondamental, […]

13 March 2016

We welcome Council conclusions on balancing the pharmaceutical system in the EU

17 June 2016 – Social security organisations, mutuals and health insurance funds, members of ESIP and  AIM  warmly  welcome  the  commitment  of  the  Council  towards  a  more  balanced  pharmaceutical system in the EU. « The  Council  has  formalised  concrete  first  steps  to  addressing  the  current  problems threatening  patients  access  to  essential  pharmaceuticals  and  the  sustainability  […]

13 February 2016

Retour sur la Conférence d’Abidjan: Présentations et Discours

Retrouvez les discours et les présentations de la conférence sur les perspectives du mouvement mutualiste africain dans le cadre des Couvertures Santé Universelles. Ouverture de la conférence Monsieur Christian Zahn, Président de l’AIM Théopiste BUTARE, Conseiller Protection Sociale, Bureau International du Travail Seydou SISSOUMA, Commissaire en charge du Développement Humain, UEMOA Discours de Monsieur le […]

Mutuals in Europe: Who they are, What they do and why they matter

AIM, together with AMICE (Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe), released a communication document based on a detailed study published by the European Commission entitled: Study on the current situation and prospects of mutuals in Europe. The 600 page study, published in 2012, gives a detailed insight of the specificities, activities and […]

Luxembourgish Minister Schmit: “EU should give mutuals a boost”

Brussels, 15 October 2015 – Mutuals are a special kind of enterprise at the heart of the European social model. They are important contributors to economic growth and financial stability, but they lack legal recognition and are still facing constraints to benefit from the European internal market. The International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM) […]

13 January 2016

Time to strengthen the efforts in tackling fraud and waste!

The World Health Organisation considers fraud as one of the ten leading causes of inefficiency in health systems. The average amount of healthcare fraud is estimated to be 6.19% of the global healthcare expenditure for 2013 (or roughly 5.65€ trillion)[1]. These astounding figures resonate even louder in a time when national healthcare systems are put […]

How do healthcare systems guarantee solidarity and accessibility?

Under this heading AIM, the international association of non-profit healthcare payers, will organize on Thursday morning 2 June a conference in The Hague, hosted by “Zorgverzekeraars Nederland”, the Dutch umbrella organisation of healthcare payers and member of AIM. At the occasion of 10 years Dutch Health Insurance Act, the discussion will focus on the question […]

L’AIM organise la conférence internationale mutualiste “Le Pari de la Mutualité pour le XXIe Siècle”!

L’AIM organise avec ses partenaires une conférence internationale les 22 et 23 janvier 2019 à Lomé, au Togo, sur le thème « Le Pari de la Mutualité pour le XXIe Siècle ». Cet évènement aura lieu sous le haut patronage de la Présidence de la République Togolaise et en collaboration avec l’Union Economique et Monétaire […]

3 December 2015

European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP) and Association Internationale de la mutualité (AIM)

The European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP) represents over 40 national statutory social insurance organisations (covering approximately 240 million citizens) in 15 EU Member States and Switzerland, active in the field of health insurance

13 October 2015

Brochure about Mutuals in Europe

AIM, together with AMICE (Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe), released a communication document based on a detailed study published by the European Commission entitled: Study on the current situation and prospects of mutuals in Europe. The 600 page study, published in 2012, gives a detailed insight of the specificities, activities and […]

16 June 2015


Mental illnesses are among Europe’s most burdensome yet least addressed groups of diseases. 1 According to estimations by the World Health Organisation (WHO), they affect every fourth citizen at least once during their life and concern more than

1 May 2015

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