Featured news

Mutualist Pledge for the Greater Involvement of Youth in the Mutualist Movement
AIM Latin-American members adopted the “Mutualist Pledge for the Greater Involvement of Youth in the Movement”. The document testifies of the strong will and commitment on the part of all mutual o......

Gender equality must be at the centre of an inclusive and supportive recovery
On Thursday 21 October, the Association Internationale de la Mutualité (AIM), the Programme d'Appui aux Stratégies Sociales (PASS), and the Latin American Network of Women in the Social and Solidari......

AIM Declaration: Global access to vaccines & medicines is needed for all and at a fair price
AIM’s General Assembly adopted a declaration on Global Access to Vaccines. AIM welcomes the different initiatives of the European Commission and the WHO et al. to enable for access to the vaccines......
Other news

International mutualist conference: Targeting health coverage and universal social protection in Africa
The Association Internationale de la Mutualité and its partners the M...

Newsletter for LatAm n°5 – September 2023
Read it here (in Spanish): Boletín Informativo_Septiembre2023...

An agenda that sets the right basis for a stronger cooperation between the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean
On 7 June, the European Commission published its proposal for a “New...

Eric Chenut, President of Mutualité Française, represents AIM at the UN multi-stakeholder hearing on universal health coverage
Mutuals have an important role to play in achieving universal health c...

AIM reacts to the adoption of the UN resolution on promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy for sustainable development
Following ILO’s Resolution concerning decent work and the social and...

Register for the 2023 edition of the International Mutualist Women’s Day – Gender equality and UHC for more resilient and equitable health systems
Over the past decade, a great amount of research has focused on health...

AIM Special Newsletter for Latin-America – 4th Issue
AIM published the third issue of its Newsletter for its Latin-American...

EU Global Health Strategy: ambitions are high, now mutuals should be more involved
The European Commission unveiled its Global Health Strategy on 30 Nove...

AIM Special Newsletter for Latin-America – 3d Issue
AIM published the third issue of its Newsletter for its Latin-American...