Health Promotion & Disease Prevention
Featured news
Towards climate-resilient Health and Social Protection Systems
Climate change has a significant impact on public health and on healthcare systems. It hits the most vulnerable harder. It increases the burden on our social protection systems. A reflection is thus n......
AIM publishes Cancer Screening Recommendations
Cancer screening is a priority for AIM members. As not-for-profit healthcare payers not only are they committed to the improvement of public health, but also to the sustainability of healthcare system......
Stop marketing unhealthy food to children!
On 9 November, the online seminar “Towards a childhood free from unhealthy food marketing: Exploring the next frontier for European Action” gathered over 180 participants to discuss the effects of......
Other news
Report: Expert Talk – Climate-resilient Health Systems
On 5 October, AIM organised, in collaboration with the European Commis...
Towards climate-resilient Health and Social Protection Systems
Climate change has a significant impact on public health and on health...
AIM reacts to the EC Proposal for a comprehensive approach on Mental Health
On 7 June, the European Commission published its proposal for a “com...
AMR: an ambitious European Plan to tackle an urging global Challenge
AIM, the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies, welcom...
Air Quality: AIM co-signs joint Letter to EU Environment Ministers
AIM, together with HEAL, CPME, EFA, AIM, EPHA and Mutualites Libres wr...
AIM welcomes the Adoption of evidence-based Council Recommendations on Cancer Screening
AIM welcomes the adoption of the Council Recommendation on Cancer Scre...
Event Report: What next for EU Action to protect Children from harmful Food Marketing?
On Tuesday 28 June 2022, a discussion was held in the European Parliam...
AIM calls on Member States to ensure that the final version of the Cancer Screening Recommendations reflects robust Science
The European Commission published its proposal of Council Recommendati...
AIM publishes Cancer Screening Recommendations
Cancer screening is a priority for AIM members. As not-for-profit heal...