AIM International Conference “Investing in Mutuals for the 21st Century” (Lomé, Togo, 22-23 January 2019)

The International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM) is organising an international conference with its partners on 22 and 23 January 2019 in Lomé, in Togo, on the theme “Investing in Mutuals for the 21st Century “. This event will take place under the high patronage of the Presidency of the Togolese Republic and in collaboration with the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA).
The agenda of this conference includes ministerial inquiries on key themes for mutuals to contribute to the success of universal health coverage and social protection policies (commitment to the development of mutual benefit societies, compulsory membership, delegation of management) to bring the voice of mutuals to the political decision-makers. It aims to bring together representatives of government and international organizations, mutuals from the South and North and civil society organizations.
The conference is part of the continuing political commitment to the recognition and development of the mutual movement. It also aims to help a new development policy management paradigm that will culminate in the validation of a new policy document that will sustain progress made during the event.
Such a document, resulting from a consensus forged before and during the conference, will constitute a roadmap for mutuals but also all the stakeholders promoting a favorable ecosystem (local authorities, donors, governments of the North and South) for the success of universal health coverage and social protection policies.
Please find the program here
Registration for the conference is open. Register here.
Registration form to the hotels are available below (note that AIM will not cover for participants’ attendance costs):
Registration form for hotel “Le Benin”
Registration form for hotel “2 Février”
Registration form for hotel “Onomo”
Registration form for hotel “Sarakawa”
Your contact point at the AIM Secretariat: Thomas Kanga-Tona