European Commission opens its public consultation on the revision of the basic pharmaceutical legislation

On 28 September the European Commission opened its public consultation on the revision of the basic pharmaceutical legislation. The public consultation aims to collect views of stakeholders and of the general public in order to support the evaluation of the existing general pharmaceutical legislation and the assessment of the impact of options for its revision. AIM has been supporting the European Commission’s ambition to reform the pharmaceuticals markets in Europe. AIM shares the views of the European Commission that there is unequal access to medicines across the EU especially for “small” markets that have long been underserved. We subscribe that the critical question of supply and shortages of medicines was further worsened by the COVID-19 crisis. AIM will contribute to the public consultation and make sure that any changes benefit public health. You can find AIM’s various contributions to the European Commission’s reflections on the revision of the pharmaceutical markets here, here and here. AIM’s model for fair medicines prices in Europe, our key proposal to improve medicines affordability, a key concern in the revision of the basic pharmaceutical legislation, as well as our calculator for fair medicines prices is are available here and here. The European Commission’s consultation document is here.