EU countries sign the San Sebastian Manifesto to promote the social economy
Author: Héctor Acosta, Confederación Argentina de Mutualidades, Argentina
On 14 November, representatives of European institutions including Social Economy Europe (of which AIM is a member), the Social and Economic Committee, the Committee of the Regions and 19 countries of the European Union signed the San Sebastian Manifesto on the Social Economy on 14 November 2023, which seeks to strengthen policies that promote this productive sector, which “generates quality employment and results in greater social benefit”. Representing AIM were Yannick Lucas Vice-president in charge of international collaboration (FNMF, France), Sibylle Reichert director of AIM and Arielle Garcia, FNMF, France.
The signing of this declaration took place during the closing ceremony of the European Social Economy Conference, organised by the Ministry of Employment as part of the programme of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union. The conclave seeks to reinforce policies at European level that advance the sector in all the countries that make up the European Union. Also represented were the Task Force Social and Solidarity Economy of the United States and the ILO, which had adopted resolutions on the social economy in April 2023 and June 2022 respectively.
This meeting, held in the Kursaal Palace, brought together half a thousand experts over two days, including European ministers and secretaries of state and representatives of international organisations and entities in the sector. All of them have analysed measures and proposals to further deepen the implementation of a production model that employs more than 13.6 million people in Europe, 6.3% of the active population.
After signing the manifesto, the Special Commissioner for the Social Economy in Spain, Víctor Meseguer, stated that “the social economy offers the opportunity to create decent work, generates territorial and social cohesion, as well as promoting equality and redistribution of benefits”, reasons why, in his opinion, it should be “taken into greater consideration in all European policies”.
He said that one of the keys to this end is to apply the European Social Economy Action Plan, as envisaged in the Manifesto, which calls on EU countries, European institutions and organisations representing the sector to promote the exchange of experiences and good practices, as well as cooperation.
This productive fabric, which covers all areas, is made up of cooperatives, mutual societies, associations, foundations, social enterprises and other legal structures that prioritise social and environmental benefits. It is a further step towards the recognition of the social and solidarity economy at European level.
Source: Newsroom Infobae