The EU Care Strategy: the right Objectives are set. AIM Members stand ready for an equally-ambitious Implementation.

AIM welcomes the proposal of Care Strategy published by the European Commission on 7 September. As the Strategy rightly recognises, the importance given to the care sector reflects how we value our older and younger generations. In addition, spending on care should be considered as an investment. In VP Dubravka’s words, ‘it is [indeed] high time to care about care!”
The document presented puts solidarity, rights and dignity at its core. It highlights a very comprehensive list of challenges, including labour shortages due, amongst others, to the bad working conditions and low valorisation of the sector, in particular for women and migrants. Most importantly, it recognises that long-term care services are a public good, an opinion that AIM shares and defends.
AIM’s full reaction to the publication can be read here:The EU Care Strategy_AIM_PR_FINAL