EIW2022: AIM recalls its recommendations on Immunization


Vaccination prevents 2-3 million deaths every year from diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, influenza & measles. It also plays a key role in the fight against #COVID19, #cancer & #AMR

On European Immunization Week, AIM recalls its recommendations to boost the potential of immunization


Our general factsheet on vaccination: FactsheetVaccination

Amid European turmoil around the safety of AstraZeneca Vaccine, AIM also published its factsheet on COVID-19 vaccination, which contains a list of recommendations to decision-makers.

Find the COVID19 vaccination factsheet here:FactsheetCOVID19Vaccination_FINAL

It is accompanied by an explanatory note: Factsheet_COVID19Vaccine_Explanatory note

AIM also issues a Q&A for the general population, aiming to answer all questions that may arise on COVID-9 vaccination. It is available in four languages:
– English: Q&AVaccination_EN
– Spanish: Q&AVaccination_SP
– French: Q&AVaccination_FR
– German: Q&AVaccination_German