European Commission adopts 2022 Work Programme
Ursula Von der Leyen presented the 2022 Work Programme on 19 October. It contains 42 new policy initiatives, across six headline ambitions: a European Green Deal; a Europe Fit for the Digital Age; an Economy that Works for People; a Stronger Europe in the World; Promoting our European Way of Life; and a New Push for European Democracy. The European Commission will work on every proposal mentioned in the annexes to the programme by the deadlines also stated on the document. Those announced initiatives include the revision of the EU ambient air quality legislation; a Communication on a European Care Strategy and a proposal of Council Recommendation on long-term care; the update of the Recommendation on cancer screening; a new framework for a dynamic EU pharmaceutical sector; an Eu Cyber Resilience Act; recommendations on improving the provision of digital skills in education and training; a New Pact on Migration and Asylum; and a recommendation on minimum income (to cite but a few). The EC will also continue its works on other ongoing files such as the European Health Union, the European Health Data Space, or the Cancer Plan.