Mutualist Pledge for the Greater Involvement of Youth in the Mutualist Movement
AIM Latin-American members adopted the “Mutualist Pledge for the Greater Involvement of Youth in the Movement”. The document testifies of the strong will and commitment on the part of all mutual organisations to include young people and make them feel that they are the protagonists of the movement. It puts forward a series of commitments, which are based on some of the recommendations made by speakers at the seminar on mutualism and youth, organised on 15 November:
Work hand in hand with the communities and creating a favourable environment for associativism through education.
Break stereotypes about youth and promoting intergenerational solidarity.
Use the current youth activism in all parts of the region to engage them to build back better while promoting mutuals
Respond to youth’s constant need for change and challenge.
Support the empowerment of young people.
Make the most of innovation and communication technologies.
Members of the region will now discuss the concrete implementation of those commitments. The topic will also be debated with AIM European and African Regions.
Read the full Pledge here (in Spanish and English): Compromiso_Mutualismo y Juventud_FINAL_Abril2022